Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : R. Teixeira, “Methodology for research in networking”, 10h eqTD, M2, UPMC, France
Master : R. Teixeira, “Network Metrology”, 22h CM, M2, UPMC, France
Master: Rachit Agarwal, “Network Science”, semester course at Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV), Rio De Janerio, Brazil
Master: Rachit Agarwal, “Urban data democratization and its application to access urban concepts” as part of “Gestion de données ambiantes et internet des objets”, 9 hours eqTD, Niveau M2, UVSQ, France
PhD : Diego da Hora, “Predicting Home Wi-Fi QoE from Passive Measurements on Commodity Access Points”, UPMC, 27/04/2017, R. Teixeira and K. van Doorselaer.
PhD: Georgios Bouloukakis, “Enabling Emergent Mobile Systems in the IoT: from Middleware-layer Communication Interoperability to Associated QoS Analysis”, UPMC, 01/08/2017, Nikolaos Georgantas and Valérie Issarny.
PhD: Amel Belaggoun, “Adaptabilité et reconfiguration des systèmes temps-réel embarquées”, UPMC, 10/10/2017, Valérie Issarny and Ansgar Radermacher (CEA-LISE).
PhD: Vassilis Efthimiou, “Entity resolution in the Web of Data”, University of Crete, 27/09/2017, V. Christophides.
PhD in progress: F. Dilmi, “End-to-end monitoring and diagnosis of video Quality of Experience”, October 2017, R. Teixeira.
PhD in progress: S. Wassermann, “Passive analysis and opitimization of Internet Quality of Experience”, October 2017, R. Teixeira.
PhD in progress: S. El Aouad, “Building a personalized summary from movie reviews”, May 2013, V. Christophides, R. Teixeira, P. Perez.
PhD in progress : Radha Pallavali, “Dynamic adaptation of middleware-layer protocols for emergent mobile systems”, UPMC, November 2016, Nikolaos Georgantas and Valérie Issarny.
PhD in progress: Yifan Du, “In-network collaborative crowd-Xing”, UPMC, October 2017, Valérie Issarny and Françoise Sailhan.
Nikolaos Georgantas was examiner for the PhD thesis of Adrien Carteron, Une approche événementielle pour le développement de services multi-métiers dédiés à l'assistance domiciliaire, defended in December 2017, Université de Bordeaux, France, advised by Charles Consel and Nic Volanschi.
Valerie Issarny was examiner for the HDR of Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Contributions To Building Reliable Distributed Systems, defended in December 2017, INSA Lyon, France.