Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Franck Hétroy-Wheeler reviewed for Eurographics 2017 (short papers), ACM Multimedia 2017 and 3DV 2017.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Franck Hétroy-Wheeler reviewed for Frontiers in Plant Science and Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
Invited Talks
Julien Pansiot talked at the INNOVACS Conférence "L'Innovation et la recherche pour le Sport, la Santé et le Bien-être"
Edmond Boyer gave invited talks at: Inria Sophia Antipolis (February) , Journées scientifiques Inria (June) , ICCV Workshop on people capture (October), IPTA Montreal (December) 2017.
Scientific Expertise
Edmond Boyer reviewed research proposals for EPSRC (UK) and KAUST (Saudi Arabia) in 2017.
Edmond Boyer was a member of the recruiting commitee of Ecole Central Paris for a professor position in 2017.
Edmond Boyer was a member of the Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes recruiting committee for postdocs and visiting researchers in 2017.