Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Frédérique Robin gave lectures in the framework of the UFR de Mathématiques de Jussieu (L2 and L3 level)
PhD in progress : Richard Bailleul. Modeling of the developmental mechanisms underlying the formation of color and appendage patterns in birds, since September 2015. Université Pierre & Marie Curie (ED515), supervisors: Benoît Perthame, Marie Manceau and Jonathan Touboul (funded by the ERC starting grant of Marie Manceau)
PhD in progress: Yi Cui. Role of Pax6 in neurodevelopment: experiments and models, since September 2014, Université Pierre & Marie Curie (ED158), supervisors: Jonathan Touboul, Alain Prochiantz and Alessandra Pierani
PhD in progress: Frédérique Robin. Multiscale modeling of the morphodynamics in ovarian follicles, since October 2016, Université Pierre & Marie Curie (ED386), supervisors: Frédérique Clément and Romain Yvinec (INRA)
Master degree: Matthieu Perez. Simulations de modèles déterministes et stochastiques de la neurogenèse corticale. INSA Rouen, supervisors: Frédérique Clément and Marie Postel