Section: Application Domains

Application Domains

As stated in the software section, the Petrus research strategy aims at materializing its scientific contributions in an advanced hardware/software platform with the expectation to produce a real societal impact. Hence, our software activity is structured around a common Secure Personal Cloud platform rather than several isolated demonstrators. This platform will serve as the foundation to develop a few emblematic applications. Several privacy-preserving applications can actually be targeted by a Personal Cloud platform, like: (i) smart disclosure applications allowing the individual to recover her personal data from external sources (e.g., bank, online shopping activity, insurance, etc.), integrate them and cross them to perform personal big data tasks (e.g., to improve her budget management) ; (ii) management of personal medical records for care coordination and well-being improvement; (iii) privacy-aware data management for the IoT (e.g., in sensors, quantified-self devices, smart meters); (iv) community-based sensing and community data sharing; (v) privacy-preserving studies (e.g., cohorts, public surveys, privacy-preserving data publishing). Such applications overlap with all the research axes described above but each of them also presents its own specificities. For instance, the smart disclosure applications will focus primarily on sharing models and enforcement, the IoT applications require to look with priority at the embedded data management and sustainability issues, while community-based sensing and privacy-preserving studies demand to study secure and efficient global query processing. Among these applications domains, one is already receiving a particular attention from our team. Indeed, we gained a strong expertise in the management and protection of healthcare data through our past DMSP (Dossier Medico-Social Partagé) experiment in the field. This expertise is being exploited to develop a dedicated healthcare and well-being personal cloud platform. We are currently deploying 10000 boxes equipped with PlugDB in the context of the DomYcile project. In this context, we are currently setting up an Inria Innovation Lab with the Hippocad company to industrialize this platform and deploy it at large scale (see Section the bilateral contract OwnCare II-Lab).