Section: New Results

Data sharing model for the Personal Cloud (Axis 2)

Participants : Nicolas Anciaux [correspondent] , Paul Tran Van, Philippe Pucheral.

SWYSWYK Semantics: The personal cloud content intrinsically describes the individual's acquaintances under different forms (e.g., contact files, agendas, identity pictures, address book entries, etc.). Conversely, acquaintances are associated with pieces of information in the user's space (e.g., photos on which a friend appears). New sharing models should be thus able to map personal data to acquaintances (or subjects) and exploit their links with the stored documents (or objects) to produce authorizations satisfying users' sharing desires such as those expressed above. Interesting and common sharing rules could also be published and adopted by the members of a community of interest. In [18], we propose SWYSWYK, a new data sharing model which builds upon the transversal nature of the content of a personal cloud and makes easy and intuitive the definition and administration of sharing policies. Beyond the definition of the sharing policy, SWYSWYK provides means to the personal cloud owner to easily understand the net effects of a sharing policy, identify suspicious permissions and sanitize the sharing policy accordingly, and finally, to trust the way the policy is practically enforced. In [21] we demonstrate the semantics of the model with the goal to assess its practical interest for the personal cloud owner. To this end, we have integrated SWYSWYK in a real personal cloud platform (namely Cozy) and apply it to a smart surrounding scenario.