Section: New Results

Economic, legal and societal issues (Axis 4)

Participants : Nicolas Anciaux [correspondent] , Philippe Pucheral.

Data Portability and Users' Empowerment as a Privacy Incentive. The principle of 'data portability' recently introduced in regulations (smart disclosure in the US, data portability in France and EU) is tightly coupled with the notion of Personal Cloud. We conduct a study of this principle in common with the DANTE Lab at UVSQ, in particular with Prof. Celia Zolynski (jurist, member of the CNN), within the DATAIA convergence institute at Inria and in the SIHS CNRS federation at UVSQ. Our recent contributions analyze the technical conditions under which individuals can get their data back from service providers according to this data portability principle, and examine its technical feasibility and legal opportunity. We also explain how data portability favors a form of users’ empowerment, which can be viewed as a potential privacy incentive. Our recent results are presented in multi-disciplinary papers appeared in prestigious French journals like DALLOZ [14] and 'Revue Contrats, Concurrence, Consommation' [13] [15].