Section: Dissemination
Alkindi cipher challenge: Several members of the project-team are involved in the cipher challenge for high-school students "concours Alkindi" Matthieu Lequesne organized the challenge and created the scientific content of the competition. He also gave a talk during the final of the cipher challege Alkindi on May 17 at the "Cité des Sciences" in Paris. The 2018 edition of the competition has been launched in December 2017 at Lycée de la Vallée de Chevreuse, Gif-sur-Yvette. Matthieu Lequesne, Sébastien Duval and Yann Rotella gave talks on cryptography during the opening ceremony. The best teams from Académies de Dijon and Orléans-Tours have been visiting the SECRET project-team in June 2017
N. Sendrier, Code-Based Cryptography: State of the Art and Perspectives, IEEE Security & Privacy, Special Issue on Post-quantum Cryptography. July/August 2017.
A. Chailloux Cryptographie Quantique en théorie - Journée Maths en Mouvement sur l'ordinateur quantique organized by the FSMP, Paris, France, May 2017
Matthieu Lequesne co-organized the final of the French Tournament of Young Mathematicians at École polytechnique on May 26-28 and was chaired the jury sessions. He also participated to the elaboration of the problems for the 8th French Tournament of Young Mathematicians (TFJM) in December 2017.
Matthieu Lequesne co-organized the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians (ITYM) in Iasi, Romania in July 2017 and was part of the international jury.
Matthieu Lequesne taught for one week during a mathematical summer camp for high school students in Bethlehem, Palestine, organized by the Al Khwarizmi Noether Institute in August 2017.
Matthieu Lequesne co-organized a weekend for female high-school students interested in mathematics (Rendez-vous des Jeunes Mathématiciennes) at ENS Ulm, November 25-26.
Yann Rotella gave a talk on cryptography at Lycée Théophile Gautier, Tarbes, January 31, 2017.
Yann Rotella gave a presentation for Raconte-moi ta thèse ! during Fete de la Science, at IHP, Paris, October 2017.
Several members of the team (C. Boura, A. Canteaut, M. Lequesne, A. Leverrier, Y. Rotella) have been involved in the Cinquante ans d'Inria, November 2017. They hold a stand to present a serious game on cryptography. A. Canteaut has participated on a panel on Cyber-security. A. Leverrier gave a short talk (pitch de science) on quantum computing.
Matthieu Lequesne was auditioned by the committee in charge of proposing a reform of mathematical education (Mission Maths Villani-Torossian) on November 29.