Section: New Results

Communities and Social Interactions Analysis

Semantic Web for B2B Applications

Participants : Molka Dhouib, Catherine Faron Zucker, Andrea Tettamanzi.

This CIFRE PhD thesis is in collaboration with Silex France company, a startup that connects companies and service providers that are best suited to meet their needs through a sourcing Web service. In this thesis, we will be interested on the semantic side of the plateform in order to represent a social network of service providers and companies and recommend automatically a service provider that matches companies needs. In this thesis, we focus on three research axis: (i) Modeling of skills and activity sectors and information extraction from unstructured texts; (ii) How to match companies needs and service providers descriptions; (iii) Recommendation of service providers by reasoning on the social network.

We developed a SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System, W3C recommandation.) thesaurus of skills and activity sectors with the aim of semantically annotating B2B service offers, automatically categorizing them and matching them with service requests.