Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Title: Interactive and Visual Analysis of Networks

  • Programm: CHIST-ERA

  • Duration: May 2018 - April 2021

  • Coordinator: Dr. Torsten Möller, Uni Wien, Austria

  • Partners:

    • EPFL, Switzerland

    • Inria France

    • Uni Wien, Austria

  • Inria contact: Jean-Daniel Fekete

  • The main goal of IVAN is to create a visual analysis system for the exploration of dynamic or time-dependent networks (from small to large scale). Our contributions will be in three principle areas:

    1. novel algorithms for network clustering that are based on graph harmonic analysis and level-of-detail methods;

    2. the development of novel similarity measures for networks and network clusters for the purpose of comparing multiple network clusterings and the grouping (clustering) of different network clusterings; and

    3. a system for user-driven analysis of network clusterings supported by novel visual encodings and interaction techniques suitable for exploring dynamic networks and their clusterings in the presence of uncertainties due to noise and uncontrolled variations of network properties.

    Our aim is to make these novel algorithms accessible to a broad range of users and researchers to enable reliable and informed decisions based on the network analysis.

Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020

  • Illustrare project co-funded by ANR, France, and FWF, Austria, funding a PhD position and funds for travel and equipment. The project investigates integrative visual abstraction of molecular data and is a collaboration with TU Wien, Austria