Section: Dissemination
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
P.M. Congedo is Deputy Coordinator of "Maths/Engineering" Program of the Labex Mathématiques Hadamard.
J.R. Li is Member Elu of Inria Commission d'Evaluation, 2015-present.
Internal action
L. Chesnel provided some numerical experiments used in the exhibition "Rencontres diffractantes : quand les mathématiques inspirent l'art...". This exhibition was presented at Ensta ParisTech and at Inria Saclay.
P.M. Congedo presented some research activities in aerospace in the context of UnithéauCafé du centre Inria de Saclay Ile-de-France.
P.M. Congedo made a presentation in the context of the Fete de la science 2018, to several groups of young students (around 10-12 years old).
H. Haddar made a joint presentation with O. Bunau from Xenocs on nanoparticle imaging using small angle X-ray diffraction technology in the context of UnithéauCafé at Inria de Saclay Ile-de-France.