Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
R. Chabiniok, Organization of “MRI & Modelling workshop” related to the Inria Associate Team ToFMOD at Inria Paris-Saclay where hosting 14 international speakers from France, UK, USA, Switzerland, Chile, Czech Republic from the domains of MRI, cardiology and modelling (June 21)
R. Chabiniok, Co-chair of the section“Groupe de recherche en imagerie cardiaque” at French Congress of Radiology (Journées Francophones de Radiologie, JFR), Paris (October 12-15)
D. Chapelle, Co-chair of organising committee for VPH2020 Conference (Paris, August 2020)
M. Genet, Session co-chair at the 8th World Congress on Biomechanics, Dublin (July)
F. Clément, Session Methodological developments for Systems Biology (A), ICSB 2018
Member of organizing committees
M. Genet, Co-organizer of the Paris-Saclay University Biomechanics Seminar Series
A. Le Gall, Member of the organizing committee of WEARe 2018
A. Le Gall, Member of the organizing committee of the youth session of the national congress of the french society anesthesiology, intensive care, and peri-operative medicine
A. Le Gall, Member of the organizing committee of the youth days of teaching of the national congress of the french society anesthesiology, intensive care, and peri-operative medicine
P. Moireau, Member of the a organizing committee of the VPH2020 conference (Paris, August 2020)
P. Moireau, Member of the organizing committee of the Inria-Saclay teams (Poems-M3disim-Defi) scientific computing seminar
Scientific events selection
Member of editorial boards
D. Chapelle, Member of the editorial board of journal Computers & Structures
D. Chapelle, Member of the editorial board of journal ESAIM: M2AN
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
J.M. Allain, reviewer for “Acta Biomateriala”, “Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials” and “Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”
R. Chabiniok, reviewer for “Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology”, “Transations Of Society For Modeling And Simulations” and “Journal of Imaging”
D. Chapelle, reviewer for “Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology”, “Computers & Structures”, “International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering”, “Meccanica”
F. Clément, Reviewer for “Journal of Mathematical Biology”, “PLOS Computational Biology”and “Endocrinology”
M. Genet, Reviewer for “Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology”
S. Imperiale, reviewer for “Journal of Mathematical Analysis”, “Journal of Computational Acoustics”, “SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing” and “SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis”
P. Moireau, reviewer for “AMSES” and “IEEE Control Systems Letters”
Invited talks
F. Caforio, seminar tours at the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, UK, Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway and KFU university, Graz, Austria
R. Chabiniok, seminar tours at Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Mathematical Institute of Charles University and Children's Heart Center at Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
R. Chabiniok, invited lectures at Journées Francophones de Radiologie diagnostique et interventionnellle), France and at International Symposium on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of the Cardiovascular System, Lukasklause Magdeburg, Germany
D. Chapelle, invited seminars at Politecnico di Milano (MOX), and for Dassault-Systèmes' Living Heart Project
M. Genet, invited seminar at the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, UK
S. Imperiale, invited lecture at ICERM, Brown University, USA
P. Le Tallec, seminar tours at University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Notre Dame University and University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA
P. Moireau, invited lectures at VPH18, CEMRACS2018 Luminy and FoMICS Summer School
P. Moireau, invited seminars at MOX, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and LMT, ENS Cachan, France
F. Robin invited seminar at Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine, Nancy
Leadership within the scientific community
D. Chapelle, Member of the board of directors of the VPH Institute
D. Chapelle, Member of the steering committee of the BioMedical Engineering Institute coordinated by Ecole Polytechnique
F. Clément, member of the direction and scientific board of GdR REPRO
A. Le Gall, Chair of youth committee of SFAR (French Society of Anesthesia and Reanimation)
P. Le Tallec, Director of LMS (Solid Mechanics Laboratory) Ecole Polytechnique
P. Le Tallec, President of the Mechanics department at University Paris-Saclay
P. Moireau, Member of the steering committee of Department of Mathematics of Université Paris Saclay and Jacques Hadamard Foundation
Scientific expertise
R. Chabiniok, Honorary medical consultant at Saint-Thomas hospital (King’s College London)
R. Chabiniok, scientific consultant for the joint project of Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague (IKEM) and Czech Technical University
F. Clément, expert of the BCDE (Cell Biology, Development and Evolution) ITMO (Multi OrganizationThematic Institute) of the French National Alliance for Life and Health Sciences Aviesan.
F. Clément, expert for the INRA scientific prospective on predictive approaches in biology and ecology
Research administration
R. Chabiniok, in charge of the objectives of Inria Associate team ToFMOD (with UT Southwestern Medical center Dallas, USA)
R. Chabiniok, in charge of coordination of clinical-modeling projects in the MDISIM team, Inria Saclay
D. Chapelle, Head of Science of Inria Saclay-Ile-de-France, and member of the Inria Evaluation Committee