Section: Dissemination
Members of the team participate on a regular basis, to scientific awareness and mediation actions.
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
Erwan Kerrien is Chargé de Mission for scientific mediation at Inria Nancy-Grand Est, and thereby is part of the Inria scientific mediation network. As such, he is a member of the steering committee of "la Maison pour la Science de Lorraine" ("Houses for Science" project, see, and member of the IREM (Institut de Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques - Research Institute for Teaching Mathematics) steering council. He also serves as the academic referent of an IREM working group aiming at introducing computer science in lower and upper secondary school curricula.
Articles and contents
Erwan Kerrien was interviewed for a special edition of the journal of Nancy University Hospital about AI in medicine.
Gilles Simon participated to the “Fête de la science 2018” at the Faculté des Sciences et Technologies of the Université de Lorraine. He presented unplugged activities of computer science.
Pierre-Frédéric Villard participated to open days and science festival in the IUT of Saint-Dié des Vosges. He presented augmented and virtual reality demos and their link to the high school mathematics program.
Erwan Kerrien participated in the creation of a MOOC for teachers of the new ICN option (Informatique et Création Numérique - Computer Science and Digital Creation) at the beginning of high school curriculum (see This MOOC is part of the Class'Code project ( During the year, he took his part in the animation and participated in the evolution of this MOOC to adapt to the new SNT class (Sciences du Numérique et Technologie - Digital Science and Technology) that generalizes ICN, and is included in the 1st year core curriculum in upper secondary education.
He also participated in the creation and teaching, of a 5-day training course for scientific animators (in a broad sense, from science club animators to science teachers). This course was funded by Région Lorraine (see
He gave a 2-day course about the use of unplugged computer science to introduce computer science in science class, along with another researcher and 2 secondary school maths teachers. This course has been organized with Maison pour la Science since 2015, and is proposed to around 20 maths and science secondary school teachers each year.
Gilles Simon was invited to participate in a round table on geomatics as part of the Saint-Dié-des-Vosges Geography Festival.
Erwan Kerrien was an associate researcher to a MATh.en.JEANS workshop within Loritz high school in Nancy. He was also part of the organizing committee of the MATh.en.JEANS conference that took place in Nancy, and gathered around 500 pupils and teachers from North-East France, Belgium and Romania. He also proposed computer science unplugged activities to secondary school pupils, especially when around 100 girls were welcome in the Inria Nancy-Grand Est center to celebrate the Ada Lovelace Day.