Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The members of our team are involved in teaching computer science at University of Bordeaux, ENSEIRB Engineering School, and Institut d'Optique Graduate School (IOGS). General computer science is concerned, as well as the following graphics related topics:

  • Master : Pierre Bénard, Gaël Guennebaud, Romain Pacanowski, Advanced Image Synthesis, 60 HETD, M2, Univ. Bdx, France.

  • Master : Xavier Granier & Antoine Lucat, Numerical Techniques, 45 HETD, M1, IOGS, France

  • Master : Xavier Granier, Image Synthesis, 14 HETD, M2, IOGS, France

  • Master : Gaël Guennebaud, Geometric Modeling, 31 HETD, M2, IOGS, France

  • Master : Gaël Guennebaud, Parallel Programming, 9 HETD, M1, IOGS, France

  • Master : Romain Pacanowski, Antoine Lucat, Algorithmic and Object Programming, 60 HETD, M1, IOGS, France

  • Master : Xavier Granier, Romain Pacanowski, Colorimetry and Appearance Modeling, 20 HETD, M1, IOGS, France.

  • Master : Gaël Guennebaud and Pierre Bénard, 3D Worlds, 60 HETD, M1, Univ. Bdx and IOGS, France.

  • Master : Pierre Bénard, Patrick Reuter, Virtual Reality, 20 HETD, M2, Univ. Bdx, France.

  • Master : Patrick Reuter, Graphical user interfaces and Spatial augmented reality seminars, M2, ESTIA, France.

  • Master : Pierre Bénard, Image Synthesis and 3D modeling, 20 HETD, M2, ENSEIRB, France.

  • Licence : Patrick Reuter, Digital Imaging, 30 HETD, L3, Univ. Bdx, France.

Some members are also in charge of some fields of study:

  • Master : Xavier Granier, M2, IOGS (Bordeaux), France.


  • PhD : Loïs Mignard-Debize, Plenoptic function and its application to spatial augmented reality, Inria & Univ. Bordeaux, P. Reuter & I. Ihrke, 5 February 2018

  • PhD : David Murray, Expressive Rendering of Volumetric Data, Thermo Fisher Scientific & Univ. Bordeaux, J. Baril & X. Granier, 10 December 2018

  • PhD in progress : Antoine Lucat, Appearance Acquisition and Rendering, IOGS & Univ. Bordeaux, R. Pacanowski & X. Granier

  • PhD in progress : Thomas Crespel, Autostereoscopic 3D display, Inria & Univ. Bordeaux, P. Reuter & X. Granier

  • PhD in progress : Charlotte Herzog, 3 dimensions X-rays imaging for medical applications, Imaging Optics, IOGS & Univ. Bordeaux, X. Granier

  • PhD in progress : Camille Brunel, Real-Time Animation and Deformation of 3D Characters, Inria & Univ. Bordeaux, P. Barla, G. Guennebaud & P. Bénard

  • PhD in progress : Megane Bati, Inverse Design for Complex Material Apperance, IOGS & Univ. Bordeaux, R. Pacanowski & P. Barla


  • PhD (jury member) : Even Entem, Université Grenoble Alpes, October 26th, 2018.

  • PhD (reviewer) : Alexandre Bleron, Université Grenoble Alpes, November 8th, 2018.