Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Sophie Dabo-Niang is teaching
Master: Spatial Statistics, 24h, M2, University of Lille, France
Master: Advanced Statistics, 24h, M2, University of Lille, France
Master: Multivaraite Data Analyses, 24h, M2, University of Lille, France
Licence: Multivariate Statistics, 24h, L3, University of Lille, France
Guillemette Marot is teaching:
Licence: Biostatistics, 12h, L1, University of Lille Droit et Santé, France
Licence: Health care Informatics, 24h, L2, University of Lille Droit et Santé, France
Master: Biostatistics, 45h, M1, University of Lille Droit et Santé, France
Master: Supervised classification, 20h, M1, Polytech Lille, France
Doctorat: Data analysis with R, 7h, University of Lille Droit et Santé, France
Doctorat: RNA-Seq analysis, 12h, University of Lille Droit et Santé, France
Serge Iovleff is teaching
Licence: Mathématiques discrètes, 68h, University of Lille, DUT Informatique
Licence: Modélisation mathématique, 14h, University of Lille, DUT Informatique
Licence: Algèbre linéaire, 32h, University of Lille, DUT Informatique
Licence: Analyse et méthodes numériques, 56h, University of Lille, DUT Informatique
Licence: R.O. et aide à la décision, 32h, University of Lille, DUT Informatique
Formation Continue: Modélisation, 10h, University of Lille, DUT Informatique
Master: Introduction to statistics, 16h, University of Lille
Cristian Preda is teaching
Licence: Linear Regression, 24h, L3, University of Lille, France
Master: Advanced Statistics, 24h, M1, University of Lille, France
Master: Experimental Designs, 24h, M2, University of Lille, France
Alain Celisse is teaching
Licence: Graphes et langages, 24h, L3, University of Lille, France
Licence: Probabilités et statistique, 136h, L3, University of Lille, France
Formation continue: Probabilités et statistique, 32h, L3, University of Lille, France
Pascal Germain is teaching
Benjamin Guedj is teaching
PhD in progress: Yaroslav Averyanov, November 2017, supervision: Alain Celisse.
PhD in progress: Anne-Lise Bedenel, June 2015, supervision: Christophe Biernacki, Laetitia Jourdan.
PhD in progress: Adrien Ehrhardt, June 2016, supervision: Christophe Biernacki, Philippe Heinrich and Vincent Vandewalle.
PhD defended: Le Li, November 2014–November 2018, supervision: Benjamin Guedj.
PhD in progress: Arthur Leroy, November 2017, supervision: Benjamin Guedj.
PhD in progress: Margot Selosse, October 2017, Christophe Biernacki and Julien Jacques.
PhD in progress: Maxime Baelde, January 2016, Christophe Biernacki and Raphaël Greff.
PhD in progress: Hélène Sarter, Outils statistiques pour la sélection de variables et l'intégration de données “cliniques" et "omiques” : développement et application au registre EPIMAD, December 2016, Corinne Gower and Guillemette Marot.
Pascal Germain was an examiner at the PhD defense of Valentina Zantedeschi, University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne, December 18, 2018.
Benjamin Guedj served as a jury member for the PhD defense of Mahmoud Albardan, Univ. Lille, October 2018.
Sophie Dabo-Niang was a referee at the HDR defense of Tristan Kenga Kiesse, University of Rennes 1, October 22, 2018.
Sophie Dabo-Niang was a referee at the PhD defense of Ousmane Cisse, University Paris 1, December 11th, 2018, and of Julien Ndrin, University of Abidjan (Côte-d'Ivoire), April, 19th, 2018.
Sophie Dabo-Niang was a referee of the PhD dissertation of Javier Álvarez Lièbana, University of Granada (Spain), April, 2018.
Christophe Biernacki acted as a reviewer for PhD theses and one HdR defense. He also acted as an examinator for one PhD thesis and for one HdR defense.