Section: Research Program
Research axis 2: Performance assessment
One main concern of the Modal team is to provide theoretical justifications on the procedures which are designed. Such guarantees are important to avoid misleading conclusions resulting from any unsuitable use. The main ingredient in proving these guarantees is the use of the PAC framework, leading to finite-sample concentration inequalities. More precisely, contributions to PAC learning rely on the classical empirical process theory and the PAC-Bayesian theory. The Modal team exploits these non-asymptotic tools to analyze the performance of iterative algorithms (such as gradient descent), cross-validation estimators, online change-point detection procedures, ranking algorithms, matrix factorization techniques and clustering methods, for instance. The team also develops some expertise on the formal dynamic study of algorithms related to mixture models (important models used in the previous unsupervised setting), like degeneracy for EM algorithm or also label switching for Gibbs algorithm.