Section: Dissemination


Articles and contents

  • Mazon, C., Fage, C. et Sauzéon, H. (2017). “Impacts des technologies numériques pour favoriser l'inclusion scolaire d'élèves avec Trouble du Spectre Autistique”. In Les Cahiers de l'Actif (a journal for professionals working in caregiving and assistance).


  • Bernard Serpette, Mar 12, 2018: participating to the Week of math at the primary school St-Genes in Bordeaux: initiating 1st and 2nd grade pupils to computational thinking via problem-solving games

  • Cécile Mazon, Sept 27, 2018: participating to the Open days at Inria Bordeaux: presenting to the general public the scientific projects about technology assistance for young persons with ASD.

  • Cécile Mazon, Jan 18-19, 2018: Poster for the symposium UB-CNRS - “Sensibilisation et regards croisés autour du handicap”, Pôle juridique, Université de Bordeaux, France

  • Cécile Mazon, Jan 15-19, 2018: managing the internship of a high-school pupil (Roxane Allouche) at Inria Bordeaux