Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Antoine Boutet: Workshop on data transparency, 23/04/2018, Lyon, France.
Claude Castelluccia: APVP 2018, 3-6/06/2018, Porquerolles, France).
Claude Castelluccia: Intelligence Oversight : Is Human Rights-Preserving Surveillance Possible?, Grenoble Data institute, 25/01/2018, Grenoble, France.
Member of the Organizing Committees
Antoine Boutet: Winter School on Distributed Systems and Networks 2018, 4-8/02/2018, Sept Laux, France.
Mathieu Cunche: French GNURadio Days, 03/07/2018, INSA Lyon, France.
Daniel Le Metayer: Panel Physical tracking: nowhere to hide, CPDP 2018, 24/01/2018, Brussels, Belgium.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Invited Talks
Antoine Boutet: Feedback on the Shonan Meeting on Anonymization methods and inference attacks, 4th Franco-Japanese Cybersecurity workshop, 16/05/2018, Annecy, France.
Claude Castelluccia: Cognitive security, 4th Franco-Japanese Cybersecurity workshop, 16/05/2018, Annecy, France.
Claude Castelluccia: Brain Hacking, College des Bernardins, 11/12/2018, Paris, France.
Claude Castelluccia: Plateforme en ligne et transparence, AFDIT, 09/11/2018, Paris, France.
Claude Castelluccia: Internet Surveillance, Intelligence Oversight workshop, 25/01/2018, Grenoble, France.
Cédric Lauradoux: Cybersécurité et cybermenaces, Club Democraties, 09/03/2018, Paris, France.
Cédric Lauradoux: Cybersécurité et cybermenaces, Rectorat Académie de Grenoble, 10/12/2018, Grenoble, France.
Daniel Le Metayer, Intelligility and transparency in machine learning and AI, Société Française de Statistique, 18/05/2018, Paris, France.
Daniel Le Metayer, Transparency and opacity in IT systems, INSA Lyon CITI, 23/04/2018, Lyon, France.
Vincent Roca, Privacy and Connected Objects, Eclipse IoT Days Grenoble, 18/01/2018, Grenoble, France.
Vincent Roca, Archéologie de la fuite de nos données personnelles par le biais de nos téléphones, Atelier Internet – ENSIIB, 06/04/2018, Lyon, France.