Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organization

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Four scientific events were organized by RAPSODI members in the framework of the LabEx CEMPI thematic semester on Numerical Analysis and PDEs:

  • the Mathematics-Enterprises Study Week, co-organized at LILLIAD Learning Center by E. Creusé from January 29 to February 2;

  • the third edition of the ABPDE conference (on Asymptotic Behavior of systems of PDEs arising in physics and biology), co-organized at LILLIAD Learning Center by C. Cancès, C. Chainais-Hillairet, I. Lacroix-Violet, and T. Rey on August 28-31;

  • the second edition of the One-day conference on Calculus of Variations, co-organized at Laboratoire Paul Painlevé by I. Lacroix-Violet and B. Merlet on October 12;

  • the fifth edition of the Lille days on Numerical Analysis (dedicated to domain decomposition and its applications to PDEs), co-organized at Laboratoire Paul Painlevé by C. Calgaro Zotto and E. Creusé on November 13-14.

C. Cancès co-organized a research school on Mathematics for Nuclear Energy at the Roscoff Marine Station on July 2-6, in partnership with the GdR MaNu. C. Chainais-Hillairet was part of the scientific board for this event.

In the CANUM (national NUMerical Analysis Congress) at Cap d'Agde from May 28 to June 1, three mini-symposia were organized by members of the team: one by C. Cancès on cross-diffusion systems, one by S. Lemaire on polytopal discretization methods, and one co-organized by T. Rey on kinetic models.

E. Creusé co-organized the Maths Jobs Forum that was held in Paris on December 13.

A. Zurek co-organized the Young Mathematicians Regional Tournament that was held in Laboratoire Paul Painlevé on April 14-15.

Member of the Organizing Committees

The whole team RAPSODI was involved in the organization of the ABPDE III conference.


Member of the Editorial Boards

C. Chainais-Hillairet is a member of the editorial board of the North-Western European Journal of Mathematics and of the International Journal on Finite Volumes.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

RAPSODI team members are regular reviewers for all the main international journals in numerical analysis and PDEs.

Invited Talks

C. Cancès was an invited speaker in the International workshop on PDEs, optimal transport, and applications, held on October 17-20 in Essaouira. He was also one of the speakers in the mini-symposium on polytopal discretization methods organized by S. Lemaire at CANUM (Cap d'Agde, May 28-June 1). He finally gave several seminars in Amiens, Orsay, Strasbourg, and Munich.

C. Chainais-Hillairet was invited to give a talk in a mini-symposium on finite volume methods at the fifteenth edition of the International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Mathematics and its Applications held in Jaca on September 10-12. She also gave a seminar in Lyon (ICJ).

B. Gaudeul presented a poster at the AMaSiS (Applied Mathematics and Simulation for Semiconductors) conference held in Berlin on October 8-10.

M. Herda gave a talk in the same conference in Berlin, and another one for the Day of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Mathematics Research Federation on October 3 in Lille. He was also one of the speakers in the mini-symposium on kinetic models co-organized by T. Rey at CANUM (Cap d'Agde, May 28-June 1).

I. Lacroix-Violet gave several seminars in Marseille (I2M), Dijon (IMB), Montpellier (IMAG), and Rennes.

S. Lemaire was invited to give a talk in a mini-symposium on polytopal discretization methods in the biennial Congress of the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI) held in Rome on July 2-6. He also gave two seminars in Montpellier (IMAG), and Inria Paris, and gave a talk for the ANEDP team day at the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé.

D. Maltese gave a talk at CANUM (Cap d'Agde, May 28-June 1).

B. Merlet was an invited speaker in the congress Geometric Measure Theory in Verona held on June 11-15, and in the Workshop in Calculus of Variations organized at Paris-Diderot on June 25-27.

T. Rey was an invited speaker for the MAFRAN Days (Mathematical Frontiers in the Analysis of Many-particle Systems) held in Cambridge on September 24-26, and in the mini-workshop Innovative Trends in the Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Kinetic Equations organized in Oberwolfach on December 16-22. He also gave several seminars in Montpellier (IMAG), Paris-Dauphine (CEREMADE), Imperial College London, and Paris-Descartes.

A. Zurek was invited to give a talk in a special session on the mathematical problems arising from materials and biological science in the twelfth edition of the AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations, and Applications held in Taipei on July 5-9. He also presented a poster at CANUM (Cap d'Agde, May 28-June 1).

Research Administration

C. Cancès is the head of the MaNu research group (GdR MaNu) funded by the Institute for Mathematical Sciences and its Interactions (INSMI) of the French National Center for Research (CNRS).

E. Creusé has in charge to develop some actions promoted by AMIES (Agency for the Mathematics in Interaction with the Enterprise and the Society). More particularly, his action in 2018 was devoted to several characteristic points: management of some PEPS (First Support for Exploratory Projects), discussions to initiate collaborations between academic researchers in mathematics and industrial partners, participation to the monthly AMIES meeting, organization of the Mathematics-Enterprises Study Week in Lille in January as well as of the Maths Jobs Forum in Paris in December.

I. Lacroix-Violet, B. Merlet, and T. Rey are elected members of the Conseil du Laboratoire Paul Painlevé. I. Lacroix-Violet is also a member of the Jury de domaine.

T. Rey is in charge of the organization of the weekly seminar of the ANEDP team of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé. He is also a member of the team of the Opération Postes.