Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Inter-Labex SEACS: V. Monbet, F. Le Gland, C. Herzet and Thi Tuyet Trang Chau (PhD student) are part of the inter Labex Cominlabs-Lebesgue-Mer SEACS, https://seacs.cominlabs.u-bretagneloire.fr/, which stands for Stochastic modEl-dAta-Coupled representationS for the analysis, simulation and reconstruction of upper ocean dynamics. This project which concerns mainly Objectives 2 and 3, aims at exploring novel statistical and stochastic methods to address the emulation, reconstruction and forecast of fine-scale upper ocean dynamics.maths-computer-sea science for ocean dynamics.

CMEMS 3DA (2018-2019): C. Herzet is part of the project CMEMS 3DA on data assimilation of oceanographic events with non-parametric data assimilation methods. The goal of the project is to demonstrate the relevance of data-driven strategies to improve satellite derived interpolated products and especially the geostrophic surface currents. The project is made in collaboration with IMT Atlantique Brest, Ifremer and the Institue of Geosciences and Environment in Grenoble.

Action Exploratoire – Labex Cominlabs: C. Herzet is part of a project on sparse representations in continuous dictionaries. Partners: R. Gribonval (Inria Rennes PANAMA), A. Drémeau (IMT Atlantique) and P. Tandeo (IMT Atlantique).