Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Tanguy Risset and Jean-Marie Gorce are professors at the Telecommunications Department of Insa Lyon.
Florent de Dinechin is a professor at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.
Claire Goursaud and Malcolm Egan are an associate professor at the Telecommunications department of Insa Lyon.
Leonardo Sampaio-Cardoso is an associate professor at the FIMI department as well as the Telecommunications Department of Insa Lyon
Guillaume Salagnac and Kevin Marquet are associate professors at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.
Guillaume Villemaud and Florin Hutu are associate professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Insa Lyon.
Samir M. Perlaza and Jean-Marie Gorce teach the course on Network Information Theory at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
PhD in progress Gautier BerthouOperating system for transiently powered systems, Inria, (IPL ZEP) since 01/2018.
PhD in progress Tristan Delizymemory management for normally-of NV-RAM based systems, Insa-Lyon, (Region ARC6) since 09/2016.
PhD in progress Yohan UguenSynthesis of arithmetic operators, Insa-Lyon, (Mininstry of research) since 09/2016.
PhD in progress David KibloffNew strategy for Physical Layer Security in wireless networks: self-jamming using Full-Duplex Transceivers, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by Inria-DGA grant since 10/2015.
PhD in progress Nizar KhalfetStochastic Energy Sources to Power Communication Systems, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by EU Project COM-MED since 10/2016.
PhD in progress : Andrea Bocco: Porposition d'une unité de caclul U-NUM pour le calcul scientifique, ANR Metalibm grant, since 12/2016.
PhD in progress : Hassan Kallam: Topology aided multi-user interference management in wireless network , Fed4PMR Insavalor project grant, since 01/2017.
PhD in progress : Anade Akpo Dadja: Non assymptotic fundemental limits of bursty communications, ANR Arburst grant, since 10/2017.
PhD in progress : Diane Duchemin: Distributed coding in dense IoT Network, ANR Ephyl grant, since 01/2017.
PhD starting Luc Forget : Algèbre linéaire calculant au plus juste, ANR Imprenum, since 10/2018.
PhD starting Yanni Zhou : Full Duplex and spatial modulation
Guillaume Salagnac was examiner in the jury of the PhD Nadir Cherify "Assistance au développement de logiciels embarqués contraints en énergie"
Florin Hutu was examiner int the PhD Jury of Frank Itoua, defended on March 12, 2018 at Limoges University.
Tanguy Risset was a member of the jury of the following theses:
Florent de Dinechin was a reviewer in the jury of Hugues de Lassus Saint-Genis, defended on May 17 2018 at Université de Perpignan Via Domitia.
Malcolm Egan was a co-supervisor in the jury of Mauro de Freitas, defended at Université de Lille 1.
Claire Goursaud and Jean-Marie Gorce were co-supervisors in the jury of Yuqi Mo, defended at Insa Lyon.
a reviewer of the HdR jury of Guillaume Andrieux (IETR, Nantes U., December 2018).
a reviewer of the PhD jury of Philippe Ezran (Supelec Paris Saclay U., January 2018).
a reviewer of the PhD jury of Antony Pottier (IMT Atlantique, Nov 2018).
a reviewer of the PhD jury of Luca Feltrin (Bologna U., Italy, December 2018).
an examiner of the PhD jury of Xavier Leturc (IMT Paris, U. Paris Saclay, December 2018),
Claire Goursaud was a member in the jury of Alaa Khreis, defended at l'Université Paris Saclay, prepared at Télécom ParisTech .
Claire Goursaud was a reviewer in the jury of Remi Bonnefoi, defended at CentraleSupelec