Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Simon Bliudze is, in addition to his tenure junior research position at Inria, chargé d'enseignement at École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, in the Department of Computer Sciences (DIX).
INF411: Les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique, 40h, 2e année du Cycle ingénieur
INF442: Traitement des données massives, 40h, 2e année du Cycle ingénieur
Pierre Bourhis is, in addition to his tenure junior research position at CNRS, chargé d'enseignement spécialité Sciences des données at École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, in the Department of Computer Sciences (DIX).
Laurence Duchien teaches at the University of Lille in the FST faculty. She headed the Carrières et Emplois service. She was Director of Doctoral Studies for Computer Science in the Doctoral School Engineering Science (SPI) - ComUE Lille Nord de France. She is now project leader for the doctoral studies at University of Lille.
Design of distributed applications, 42h, Level M1, Master of Computer Science
Research and Innovation Initiation, 22h, Level M2 IAGL, Master of Computer Science
Tutoring Internship, 16h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science
Clément Quinton teaches at the University of Lille in the FST faculty.
Introduction to Computer Science, 46.5h, Level L1, Licence of Computer Science
Object-oriented programming, 36h, Level L2, Licence of Computer Science
Object-oriented design, 42h, Level L3, Licence of Computer Science
Design of distributed applications, 42h, Level M1, Master of Computer Science
Advanced design of distributed applications, 37.5h, Level M2, Master MIAGE
Infrastructure and frameworks for the Internet, 33.75h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science
Software product lines, 7.5h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science
Suivi de stages et de projets, 30h, Licence and Master of Computer Science
Romain Rouvoy teaches at the University of Lille in the FST faculty. He heads the Master of Computer Science program at the University of Lille.
Design of distributed applications, 12h, Level M1, Master of Computer Science
Object-oriented design, 4h, Level L3, Licence of Computer Science
Walter Rudametkin Ivey teaches at the University of Lille in the Polytech engineering school.
Lionel Seinturier teaches at the University of Lille in the FST faculty. He heads the Computer Science Department at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Lille.
Conception d'Applications Réparties, 50h, Level M1, Master MIAGE
Infrastructures et Frameworks Internet, 70h, Level M2 E-Services IAGL TIIR, Master of Computer Science
PhD: Yahya Al-Dhuraibi, Flexible Framework for Elasticity in Cloud Computing, University of Lille, December 2018, Philippe Merle.
PhD: Stéphanie Challita, Inferring Models from Cloud APIs and Reasoning over Them: a Tooled and Formal Approach, University of Lille, December 2018, Philippe Merle.
PhD: Thomas Durieux, From Runtime Failures to Patches: Study of Patch Generation in Production, University of Lille, September 2018, Lionel Seinturier & Martin Monperrus. [11]
PhD: Gustavo Sousa, A Software Product Lines-Based Approach for the Setup and Adaptation of Multi-Cloud Environments, University of Lille, June 2018, Laurence Duchien & Walter Rudametkin Ivey. [12]
PhD in progress: Mohammed Chakib Belgaid, Développement durable des logiciels vers une optimisation énergétique de bout en bout des systèmes logiciels, January 2018, Romain Rouvoy & Lionel Seinturier.
PhD in progress: Vikas Mishra, Collaborative Strategies to Protect Against Browser Fingerprinting, October 2018, Romain Rouvoy & Walter Rudametkin & Lionel Seinturier.
PhD in progress: Marion Tommasi, Collaborative Data-centric Workflows: Towards Knowledge Centric Workflows and Integrating Uncertain Data, October 2018, Pierre Bourhis & Lionel Seinturier.
PhD in progress: Antonin Durey, Leveraging Browser Fingerprinting to Fitht Fraud on the Web, October 2018, Romain Rouvoy & Walter Rudametkin & Lionel Seinturier.
PhD in progress: Sacha Brisset, Automatic Spotting and fixing or Recurrent user Experience issues. Detecting and Fixing Anomalies by applying Machine Learning on user Experience Data, November 2018, Lionel Seinturier & Romain Rouvoy & Renaud Pawlak & Yoann Couillec.
PhD in progress: Zakaria Ournani, Eco-conception des logiciels : modélisation de l’efficience énergétique des logiciels et conception d’outils pour mesurer et réduire leur consommation d’énergie, November 2018, Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Zeinab Abou Khalil, November 2017, Laurence Duchien & Clément Quinton, co-supervision with Tom Mens (University of Mons, Belgium).
PhD in progress: Guillaume Fieni, GreenData : Vers un traitement efficient et éco-responsable des grandes masses de données numériques, October 2017, Romain Rouvoy & Lionel Seinturier.
PhD in progress: Benjamin Danglot, Software Testing Amplification, December 2016, Martin Monperrus & Lionel Seinturier.
PhD in progress: Lakhdar Meftah, Cartography of the Quality of Experience for Mobile Internet Access, November 2016, Romain Rouvoy, co-supervision with Isabelle Chrisment (Inria Madynes).
PhD in progress: Sarra Habchi, Une supervision de contexte sensible à la confidentialité pour les développements logiciels en crowdsource, October 2016, Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Antoine Vastel, Cartographie de la qualité d'expérience pour l'accès à l'internet mobile, October 2016, Romain Rouvoy & Walter Rudametkin.
Simon Bliudze
Laurence Duchien
Philippe Merle
Lionel Seinturier