2019 Team Activity Report
Models and Algorithms for Reliable Communication Systems
Inria teams are typically groups of researchers working on the definition of a common project, and objectives, with the goal to arrive at the creation of a project-team. Such project-teams may include other partners (universities or research institutions).
Research centre:
Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes
Computer Science and Digital Science:
- A1.2.5. - Internet of things
- A1.2.6. - Sensor networks
- A1.2.7. - Cyber-physical systems
- A1.5.2. - Communicating systems
- A3.4.1. - Supervised learning
- A3.4.3. - Reinforcement learning
- A3.4.8. - Deep learning
- A5.9. - Signal processing
- A5.9.2. - Estimation, modeling
- A5.9.6. - Optimization tools
- A8.6. - Information theory
- A8.7. - Graph theory
- A8.8. - Network science
- A8.11. - Game Theory
- A9.2. - Machine learning
- A9.3. - Signal analysis
- A9.9. - Distributed AI, Multi-agent
Other Research Topics and Application Domains:
- B1.1.10. - Systems and synthetic biology
- B4.5.1. - Green computing
- B6.2.2. - Radio technology
- B6.4. - Internet of things
- B6.6. - Embedded systems
- B8.1. - Smart building/home
- B8.2. - Connected city