Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master (M2): “Proofs of Programs”, Jean-Marie Madiot, 18 HETD, MPRI, Université Paris Diderot, France.

  • Master (M2): “Programming shared memory multicore machines”, Luc Maranget, 18 HETD, MPRI, Université Paris Diderot, France. Starting December 2019, Luc Maranget is in charge of this course.

  • Master (M2): “Functional programming and type systems”, François Pottier, 18 HETD, MPRI, Université Paris Diderot, France.

  • Master (M2): “Functional programming and type systems”, Didier Rémy, 18 HETD, MPRI, Université Paris Diderot, France. Didier Rémy is in charge of this course.

  • Licence (L3): Jean-Marie Madiot, “Introduction à l'informatique”, 40 HETD, École Polytechnique, France.

  • Open lectures: Xavier Leroy, Sémantiques mécanisées: quand la machine raisonne sur ses langages, 19 HETD, Collège de France, France.

  • Summer school: Xavier Leroy, Proving the correctness of a compiler, 6 HETD, 2019 EUtypes summer school on Types for Programming and Verification, North Macedonia.


  • PhD in progress: Frédéric Bour, “An interactive, modular proof environment for OCaml”, Université Paris Diderot, since October 2019, advised by François Pottier and Thomas Gazagnaire (Taridès).

  • PhD in progress: Basile Clément, “Domain-specific language and machine learning compiler for the automatic synthesis of high-performance numerical libraries”, École Normale Supérieure, since September 2018, advised by Xavier Leroy since October 2019.

  • PhD in progress: Nathanaël Courant, “Towards an efficient, formally-verified proof checker for Coq”, Université Paris Diderot, since September 2019, advised by Xavier Leroy.

  • PhD: Armaël Guéneau, “Mechanized Verification of the Correctness and Asymptotic Complexity of Programs”, Université Paris Diderot, defended on December 16, 2019 [11], advised by Arthur Charguéraud and François Pottier.

  • PhD in progress: Quentin Ladeveze, “Generic conditions for DRF-SC in axiomatic memory models”, Université Paris Diderot, since October 2019, advised by Luc Maranget and Jean-Marie Madiot.

  • PhD in progress: Glen Mével, “Towards a system for proving the correctness of concurrent Multicore OCaml programs”, Université Paris Diderot, since November 2018, advised by Jacques-Henri Jourdan and François Pottier.

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Williams, “Putting Ornaments into practice”, Université Paris Diderot, since September 2014, advised by Didier Rémy.


Xavier Leroy participated in the hiring committee for a professor position at the UFR d'Informatique of U. Paris Diderot.

Xavier Leroy chaired the jury for the Habilitation defense of Yann Régis-Gianas (U. Paris Diderot, November 2019).

Xavier Leroy was external reviewer for the PhD of Andrea Condoluci (U. Bologna, to be defended in 2020).

Jean-Marie Madiot served as an examiner at the computer science oral examination for the “second concours” of École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

Didier Rémy participated in the hiring committee for an Inria Centrale-Supélec Chair in cybersecurity.