Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

I. Manolescu was a steering committee member for the International Workshop on Misinformation, Computational Fact-Checking and Credible Web in conjunction with The Web Conference 2019.

I. Manolescu was a member of the scientific committee in charge of organizing the Global Forum on AI for Humanity (http://gfaih.org), an international conference organized under the patronage of the French government to discuss the impact and perspectives for AI research on science and the society at large. The conference featured an opening intervention by Cédric Villani and a closing speech by the French president Emmanuel Macron.

Scientific Events: Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

I. Manolescu has been a chair of the tutorial track at the ACM SIGMOD 2019 conference.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

I. Manolescu has been a member of the program committees of: the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE, demonstrations track) 2019, the DASFAA Conference 2019, the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2019, and the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) 2019.


Y. Diao has been the Editor-in-Chief of the ACM SIGMOD Record.

Member of the Editorial Boards

Y. Diao has been an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS).

I. Manolescu has been a member of the editorial board of the Proceedings of Very Large Databases (PVLDB) journal.

Invited Talks

I. Manolescu has given the following keynote talks:

  • "Journalistic Dataspaces: Data Management for Journalism and Fact-Checking", keynote talk at the EDBT (Extending Database Technologies) Conference 2019 [28].

  • "Computational fact-checking: problems, state of the art and perspectives", keynote at EGC (Extraction and Gestion de Connaissances, the French-speaking knowledge extraction and knowledge management conference) 2019 [27].

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Y. Diao and I. Manolescu are members of the PVLDB Endowment Board, the entity in charge of organizing the publication of the prestigious PVLDB journal (A* in the CORE ranking) and of organizing the yearly PVLDB conference.

  • Y. Diao has been the Chair of the ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, a member of the ACM SIGMOD Executive Committee, and a member of the ACM SIGMOD Software Systems Award Committee.

  • I. Manolescu is a member of the steering committee of BDA, the entity in charge of organizing: the yearly informal Bases de Données Avancées (BDA) conference, mostly attended by members of the French-speaking data management scientific community; and a summer school on Big Data Management, every two years.

Scientific Expertise

I. Manolescu has been part of the HCERES visiting committee of the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) on December 2-4.

Research Administration

I. Manolescu has become the scientific director of LabIA, an initiative by the DINUM (Direction Interministerielle du Numérique) whose goal is to apply AI research and technology solutions to problems raised by the public administration, at the local or regional level. LabIA ran a selective application process which funded a dozen projects to be carried over by technology company (contractors) and four to be solved by research teams working together with the promoters (teams involved in public administration). The research projects funded by LabIA are respectively proposed by: the Cour de Cassation (the highest jurisdiction of the state), the Direction Générale de Controle de la Concurrence et de la Repression des Fraudes (DGCCRF, the national consumer watchdog agency), la SHOM (Service Hydrographique de la Marine, the seabed mapping service of the Marine) and the IGN (Institut Géographique National), in particular the team that is in charge of producing the detailed, dynamic information of the positioning of every fragment in the Earth crust.

I. Manolescu has been a member of Inria Commission d'Evaluation until the summer of 2019. As a consequence, she participated to the hiring committees for junior researchers (CRCN) of the Inria Lille and Inria Grenoble research centers, in May 2019; she has also participated to the final executive committee meeting that decided on the hires, in Paris, in June 2019.

I. Manolescu has been a member of a hiring committee that recruited a full-time Assistant Professor in Data Management at Ecole Polytechnique, and she has also headed another committee that recruited a part-time Assistant Professor in Data Science at Ecole Polytechnique.