Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • License 3: François Broquedis, Imperative programming using python, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • License 3: François Broquedis, Introduction to UNIX, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • License 3: François Broquedis, Computer architecture, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • License 3: François Broquedis, C programming, 80 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master 1: François Broquedis, Operating systems and concurrent programming, 30 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master 1: François Broquedis, Operating Systems Development Project - Fundamentals, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master 1: François Broquedis, Object-Oriented Programming, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • François Broquedis is in responsible of the first year of Ensimag

  • Master: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithmic Problem Solving, 41 hours, M1 MoSIG

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithms languages and programming, 160 hours, L2 UGA

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou was responsible of the second year (L2) of INF (informatique) and MIN (mathématiques et informatique) students at UGA from January to June, eq. 42 hours

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Software Project, 10 hours, L3 UGA

  • Data Asperger, Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Formation d'autistes Asperger aux métiers du développement informatique et analyse des données. Bloc Algorithmique. 20 hours, GEM & Le Campus Numérique.

  • Master 1: Yliès Falcone, Programming Language Semantics and Compiler Design, MoSIG and Master informatique, 96 hours

  • License: Yliès Falcone, Languages and Automata, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 105 hours

  • Master: Yliès Falcone, was co-responsible of the first year of the International Master of Computer Science (Univ. Grenoble Alpes and INP ENSIMAG) until August 2019.

  • License 3: Manuel Selva, Imperative programming using python, 60 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • License 3: Manuel Selva, Introduction to UNIX, 15 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master 1: Manuel Selva, Operating systems and concurrent programming, 15 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)


  • PhD: Georgios Christodoulis, Adaptation of a heterogeneous run-time system to efficiently exploit FPGA, December 5, 2019, advised by Frederic Desprez, Olivier Muller (TIMA/SLS), and François Broquedis

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Stoffel, Static and dynamic approaches for the optimization of the energy consumption associated with applications of the High Performance Computing (HPC) field, February 2018, advised by François Broquedis, Frédéric Desprez, Abdelhafid Mazouz (Atos/Bull) and Philippe Rols (Atos/Bull)

  • PhD: Fabian Grüber, Performance Debugging Toolbox for Binaries: Sensitivity Analysis and Dependence Profiling, December 17 2019, advised by Fabrice Rastello

  • PhD: Raphaël Jakse, Interactive Runtime Verification, December 18 2019, advised by Jean-François Méhaut and Yliès Falcone.

  • PhD in progress: Auguste Olivry, Data Locality and Parallelism Optimization for Linear and Multilinear Algebra, September 2019, advised by Fabrice Rastello.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Tollenaere, Optimizing ML algorithms for MPPA Asics, April 2019, advised by Fabrice Rastello.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Derumigny, Automatic generation of performance models for heterogeneous architectures, September 2019, advised by Fabrice Rastello.

  • PhD in progress: Théo Barollet, Problem-based learning: automatic generation and recommendation of programming exercises, September 2019, advised by Florent Bouchez Tichadou and Fabrice Rastello.


Fabrice Rastello
  • Fabian Grüber, advisor, Performance Debugging Toolbox for Binaries: Sensitivity Analysis and Dependence Profiling, PhD, Université Grenoble Alpes, December 17 2019

  • Maxime Schmitt, reviewer, Automatic Generation of Adaptative Codes, PhD, Université de Strasbourg, September 30 2019

Frédéric Desprez
  • Michael Mercier, examiner, Contribution to High Performance Computing and Big Data Infrastructure Convergence, PhD, Université Grenoble Alpes, January 07 2019

  • Alexandre Veith, examiner, Quality of Service Aware Mechanisms for (Re)Configuring Data Stream Processing Applications on Highly Distributed Infrastructure, PhD, Lyon, September 23 2019

  • Nathanaël Cheriere, reviewer, Towards Malleable Distributed Storage Systems˸ From Models to Practice, PhD, Ecole normale supérieure de Rennes, November 5 2019

  • Ayham Kassab, reviewer/president, Optimisation de l'ordonnancement de calculs parallèles et de l'engagement de sources d'énergie renouvelable pour l'alimentation des centres de calcul, PhD, Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté, November 14 2019

  • Georgios Christodoulis, advisor, Adaptation of a heterogeneous run-time system to efficiently exploit FPGA, PhD, Université Grenoble Alpes, December 5, 2019

François Broquedis
  • Georgios Christodoulis, advisor, Adaptation of a heterogeneous run-time system to efficiently exploit FPGA, PhD, Université Grenoble Alpes, December 5, 2019

Yliès Falcone
  • Raphaël Jakse, advisor, Interactive Runtime Verification, PhD, Université Grenoble Alpes, December 18 2019.