Section: Dissemination
Articles and contents
Radio show “Les P'tits Bateaux” on France Inter public radio: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (interviews in response to children questions on 5 May, 30 June, 18 August, 24 November 2019)
Chapter about the Web in a textbook for high-school students: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon [36]
Presentation of research work on dance movement during the dance show “Frame(d)”, at Micadance (25 May 2019) and SUAPS Paris-Sud (June 2019): Rivière Jean-Philippe
Université Paris-Saclay Learning Center: art-science project with photographer Didier Goupy presenting the portraits of Ph.D students of Université Paris-Saclay. Ph.D. graduation ceremony, Université Paris-Saclay, June 2019; Fête de la Science, Gif-sur-Yvette, October 2019