Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • R. Teixeira, member of the selection committee of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2019–2021.

Scientific Events: Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • V. Issarny, TPC co-chair of: The International Conference on the IoT (ICIOT) at SCF'19 (June 2019, San Diego, CA, USA); and The 5th 2CM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design & Implementation (IoTDI) at CPS-IoT week (April 2020, Sydney, Australia).

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • V. Issarny, member of the TPC of the following international conferences: IEEE CIC'19, ACM EUROSYS'20 (Heavy PC), ACM ESEC/FSE'19, IEEE ICDCS'20, ICSE'20, ICSE-SEIS'19 & 20, ACM/IEEE IoTDI'19, and ACM/IFIP Middleware'19.

  • R. Teixeira, member of the TPC of: USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) 2020, Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM) 2020, and the Buffer Sizing Workshop 2019.

  • N. Georgantas, member of the TPC of the following international conferences: SAC'19&'20, SOSE'19&'20, The Web Conference'19&'20.

  • N. Georgantas, member of the TPC of the following international workshops: MRT'19, IoT-ASAP'19, ARM'19, ASYDE'19.

  • V. Christophides, member of the TPC of the EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference, IEEE ICDE 2020, and the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM).


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • V. Issarny, member of the following editorial boards: The ACM Transaction on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), The ACM Transactions on the Internet of Things (TIOT), The IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), and The IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).

  • N. Georgantas, Associate editor, International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI).

  • V. Christophides, Associate editor, MDPI Open Access Journal of Internet of Things (IoT) and MDPI Open Access Journal of Future Internet.

Invited Talks

  • R. Teixeira “Passive Measurements of Residential Internet Performance”, Google Networking Summit, 2019.

  • R. Teixeira, “Lightweight, General Inference of Streaming Video Quality from Encrypted Traffic”, Workshop em ciencia de dados LNCC, Brazil, 2019.

  • N. Georgantas, “Enabling Emergent Mobile IoT Systems: Middleware Interoperability & QoS Analysis”, Eclipse IoT Day Paris Saclay 2019.

  • V. Christophides, “Detecting Outliers in IoT Data Streams”, IRT SystemX, 2019.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • V. Christophides, Member of the Executive Board of the EDBT Association.

Scientific Expertise

  • V. Issarny, member of: the FWP expert panel for PhD fellowships on strategic basic research, and the expert panel of the 2019 FET open call.

  • V. Issarny, member of: the ARCEP Scientific Council (appointed), and The ACM Europe Council (Elected).

  • N. Georgantas, member of: the EDITE Doctoral School selection committe for PhD fellowships, 2018 & 2019 .