Section: New Software and Platforms
Alignment API
Keywords: Ontologies - Alignment - Ontology engineering - Knowledge representation
Scientific Description: The api itself is a Java description of tools for accessing the common format. It defines five main interfaces (OntologyNetwork, Alignment, Cell, Relation and Evaluator).
We provide an implementation for this api which can be used for producing transformations, rules or bridge axioms independently from the algorithm that produced the alignment. The proposed implementation features: - a base implementation of the interfaces with all useful facilities, - a library of sample matchers, - a library of renderers (XSLT, RDF, SKOS, SWRL, OWL, C-OWL, SPARQL), - a library of evaluators (various generalisation of precision/recall, precision/recall graphs), - a flexible test generation framework that allows for generating evaluation data sets, - a library of wrappers for several ontology APIs , - a parser for the format.
To instanciate the API , it is sufficient to refine the base implementation by implementing the align() method. Doing so, the new implementation will benefit from all the services already implemented in the base implementation.
Functional Description: Using ontologies is the privileged way to achieve interoperability among heterogeneous systems within the Semantic web. However, as the ontologies underlying two systems are not necessarily compatible, they may in turn need to be reconciled. Ontology reconciliation requires most of the time to find the correspondences between entities (e.g. classes, objects, properties) occurring in the ontologies. We call a set of such correspondences an alignment.
News Of The Year: Link keys are fully supported by the EDOAL language. In particular it can transform them into SPARQL queries.
Participants: Armen Inants, Chan Le Duc, Jérôme David, Jérôme Euzenat, Jérôme Pierson, Luz Maria Priego-Roche and Nicolas Guillouet
Publications: An API for ontology alignment - The Alignment API 4.0