Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Patrick Reignier teaches
elected member of the Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire of Grenoble INP
nominated as a member of the Conseil de la Formation Continue de Grenoble INP
co-director of the "formation en apprentissage" of Ensimag (3 years program : 1 year for the Licence and 2 years for the Master)
Supervises the industrial part of the “formation en apprentissage” of the Ensimag engineering school.
James Crowley and Dominique Vaufreydaz co-direct the Graphics - Vision - Robotics Specialisation of the MoSIG M2 Masters.
James Crowley teaches
Patrick Reignier teaches
Projet Genie Logiciel, 55h eqTD, M1, Ensimag/Grenoble INP, France.
Développement d’applications communicantes, 18h eqTD, M2, Ensimag/Grenoble-INP, France
Introduction aux applications reparties, 18h eqTD, M2, Ensimag/Grenoble- INP, France
Applications Web et Mobiles , 27h eqTD, M1, Ensimag/Grenoble-INP, France
Thierry Fraichard, taught Autonomous Robotics, 22.5h eqTD, M2 MOSIG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes.
Thierry Fraichard directed the following Doctoral students
Jose Grimaldo Da Silva Filho, "Human-Robot Motion, a Shared Effort Approach", Octobre 2015, Thierry Fraichard and James Crowley.
Matteo Ciocca, "Safe Robot Motion", Octobre 2016, Thierry Fraichard and Pierre-Brice Wieber.
James Crowley directed the following Doctoral students
Nachwa Abou Bakr, "Recognition, Modeling and Description of Manipulation actions "
Thomas Guntz, "Estimating Expertise from Eye Gaze and Emotions", co-directed with Dominique Vaufreydaz
Patrick Reignier served as a president of the Doctoral Jury for
James Crowley served as a president of the Doctoral Jury for