Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
We only list the master level teaching.
P. Mertikopoulos gave an invited PhD level course at EPFL on “Min-max optimization and variational inequalities”.
V. Danjean was involved in INFO3 and INFO4 at Polytech Grenoble (System Architecture, Internship supervising, ...) and in M1 Info (Operationg systems and Parallel Programming course, Operating System project)
J. Anselmi taught in the course Probability and Simulation (M1, Polytech/UGA).
P. Loiseau taught in the courses Probability and Simulation (M1, Polytech/UGA) and “Algorithms for data processing” (M1 INFO, UGA).
N. Gast is responsible of the master course “Optimization under Uncertainties” (Master 2 ORCO in Grenoble).
J.-M. Vincent teaches Probability for Informatics and Performance Evaluation at Ensimag, and Mathematics for Computer Science (1st year) and Scientific Methodology and Performance Evaluation (2nd year) at the Master of Computer Science.
G. Huard taught the course Object Oriented Design class for the M1 INFO, UGA.
Supervision of PhD students and postdocs:
K. Antonakopoulos (P. Mertikopoulos and E. V. Belmega, ETIS/ENSEA)
T. Barzolla (N. Gast with Vincent Jost and Van-Dat Cung from G-SCOP laboratory)
Dimitrios Moustakas (B. Pradelski and P. Loiseau, with H. Nax from UZH)
Simon Jantscheg (B. Pradelski and P. Loiseau, with H. Nax from UZH)
Supervision of M2 Students:
B. Gaujal was a reviewer of the PhD Thesis of Paulin Jacquot (Ecole Polytechnique).
V. Danjean was involved in several teaching jurys: INFO3 at Polytech Grenoble, L3 M&I, M1 Info, DU ISN and DIU EIL at UGA.
A. Legrand was a reviewer of the PhD Thesis of Mohamad El Sayah (Univ. Franche Comté, Besançon)
N. Gast was member of the PhD Jury of Celine Comte and Eyal Castiel.