Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Réalité Virtuelle, 12h eqTD, M2 Cognitive science, Université de Bordeaux - Martin Hachet
Master: Réalité Virtuelle, 6h eqTD, M2 Cognitive science, Université de Bordeaux - Fabien Lotte
Master: Handicap et Nouvelles technologies, CM 7,5h eqtd, M2 Cognitive Science, Université de Bordeaux - Aurélien Appriou
Master : Handicap et Nouvelles technologies, 9h eqTD, M2 Cognitive science, Université de Bordeaux - Philippe Giraudeau
Master: Réalités Virtuelles et augmentées, 18h eqTD, M2 Computer science, Université de Bordeaux - Martin Hachet,
Master: Réalités Virtuelles et augmentées, 6h eqTD, M2 Computer science, Université de Bordeaux - Fabien Lotte,
Master: Réalités Virtuelles et augmentées, 18h eqTD, M2 Computer science, Université de Bordeaux - Rajkumar Darbar
Master: Neuroergonomics & Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2h eqtd, Master Human-Computer Interaction, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany - Fabien Lotte
Bachelor: Initiation to computer sciences, 31.66h eqTD, L1 Université de Bordeaux - Adélaïde Genay
Bachelor: C programing, 14,67h eqTD, L2 Université de Bordeaux - Adélaïde Genay
Engineering school: Ergonomie et Interaction, 15h eqTD, 3rd year, ENSEIRB, INP - Martin Hachet
Engineering school: Réalités Virtuelles et augmentées, 1,5h eqTD, ENSC - Martin Hachet
Engineering School: Aeronautical engineering and Neuroergonomics, 3h eqTD, M2 ISAE-Supaero, Toulouse - Fabien Lotte
Engineering school: Immersion and interaction with visual worlds, 4h eqtd, Graduate Degree Artificial Intelligence, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau - Fabien Lotte
Engineering school: Advanced mathematics and computer science, 2018-2019: 61.5h eqTD, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Metiers, ENSAM, Bordeaux, France - Camille Benaroch
Engineering school: Lecture "Interface Cerveau-Ordinateur (BCIs) Le quotidien de la recherche", UE Systèmes Cognitifs (CNU 27), 2h eqTD, ENSC, Bordeaux INP - Aline Roc and Léa Pillette
PhD in progress: Adelaïde Genay, Hybrid Avatars, 1/10/2019, Martin Hachet
PhD in progress: Rajkumar Darbar, Actuated Tangible User Interfaces, Since 1/12/2017, Martin Hachet
PhD in progress: Philippe Giraudeau, Collaborative learning with tangible and aumented interfaces, Since 1/10/2017, Martin Hachet
PhD in progress: Marc Baloup, Interaction with Avatars, Since 1/10/2018, Martin Hachet (33%)
PhD in progress: Aurélien Appriou, Estimating learning-related mental states in EEG, since 1/10/2017, Fabien Lotte
PhD in progress: Camille Benaroch, Computational Modeling of BCI user training, since 1/10/2018, Fabien Lotte (50%)
PhD in progress: Aline Roc, Designing, studying and optimzing training tasks and training program for BCI control, Fabien Lotte
PhD defended: Pierre-Antoine Cinquin, Design and Experimental Validation of Accessible E-learning systems for people with cognitive disabilities, November 23th 2019, Pascal Guitton (50%)
PhD defended: Jelena Mladenovic, User modeling for Adaptive BCI design, since 01/01/2016, Defended 10/09/2019, Fabien Lotte (50%)
PhD defended: Léa Pillette, Formative feedback for BCI, since 01/10/2016, Defended 16/12/2019, Fabien Lotte (50%)
HDR: Isabelle Pecci [president], Université de Lorraine, Martin Hachet
HDR: Pierrick Legrand [examiner], Univ. Bordeaux, France, Fabien Lotte
HDR: Selina Wriessnegger [with report], TU Graz, Austria, Fabien Lotte
PhD: Grégoire Cattan [with report], Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Martin Hachet
PhD: Sylvain Pauchet [with report], ISAE Supaero, Martin Hachet
PhD: Flavio Camarrone [with report], KU Leuven, Belgium, Fabien Lotte
PhD: Andreas Meinel [with report], Univ. Freiburg, Germany, Fabien Lotte
PhD: Fanny Grosselin [with report], Sorbonne Université, France, Fabien Lotte
PhD: Kevin Verdière [president], ISAE-Supaero, France, Fabien Lotte
PhD: Pedro Luiz Coelho Rodrigues [examiner], Grenoble INP, France, Fabien Lotte
PhD: Hakim Si Mohammed [guest], INSA Rennes, France, Fabien Lotte
PhD: Leticia Seixas-Pereira [guest], Univ. Paris 8, France, Pascal Guitton
PhD: Thomas Crespel [president], Univ. Bordeaux, France, Pascal Guitton
MD: Andrea Ferrier [examiner], Univ. Bordeaux/CHU Bordeaux, France, Fabien Lotte
MS: Jaime A. Riascos [examiner], Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Fabien Lotte