Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Fracture network - Finite element modelling - High order methods

Scientific Description: NEF++ is able to solve in a very efficient way flow in large scale fractures networks using the HHO method.

Functional Description: The software NEF++ allows to solve flow problems in fractured rocks. It is based on a hybrid high order (HHO) method. It is based on the C++17 standard. It relies on the Eigen library, which is a C++ template library for linear algebra and on the DiSk++ library for HHO https://bil.inria.fr/fr/software/view/3143/tab. The linear systems can be solved with direct solvers or with iterative solvers like the preconditioned conjugate gradient or multigrid solvers.

Release Functional Description: Work in progress, no production release yet.

News Of The Year: NEF++ has been successfully tested on networks that contain up to 500,000 fractures. The following two direct solvers can be called: Pardiso from Intel MKL library or SuiteSparse. Both solvers support tasks parallelism, either using OpenMP or Intel TBB and support SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) vectorization. The input parameters are JSON files. The mesh data are in .vector files (see Appendix A, publication hal-00735675). The outputs are written in HDF5 files.