Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Tanguy Risset is professor at the Telecommunications Department of Insa Lyon.
Florent de Dinechin is a professor at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon. He also teaches computer architecture at ENS-Lyon.
Guillaume Salagnac and Kevin Marquet are associate professors at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.
Guillaume Villemaud and Florin Hutu are associate professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Insa Lyon.
PhD in progress : Gautier Berthou : Operating system for transiently powered systems, Inria, (IPL ZEP) since 01/2018.
PhD in progress : Andrea Bocco : Proposition d'une unité de caclul UNUM pour le calcul scientifique, ANR Metalibm grant, since 12/2016.
PhD in progress : Luc Forget : Algèbre linéaire calculant au plus juste, ANR Imprenum, since 10/2018.
PhD in progress :Yanni Zhou : Full Duplex and spatial modulation since 10/2018
PhD in progress : Tarik Lassouaoui : Tag 2 Tag communication since 10/2018
PhD in progress : Regis Rousseau : Wireless Power Transfer since 10/2018
PhD starting : Maxime Christ : Learning in Very Low Precision since 10/2018
PhD defended : Yohan Uguen : High-level synthesis and arithmetic optimizations, École Doctorale MathInfo,Nov. 2019.
PhD defended : Tristan Delizy : Gestion de la mémoire dynamique pour les systèmes embarqués avec mémoire hétérogène, École Doctorale MathInfo, Dec. 2019.