Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

Socrate has collaborations with the following international partners.

  • University of Cyprus, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. This cooperation with Prof. Ioannis Krikidis is on topics related to energy-harvesting and wireless communications systems. Scientific-Leaders at Inria: Guillaume Villemaud.

  • Universidad Nacional del Sur, LaPSyC laboratory, Bahía Blanca , Argentina. This cooperation with Prof. Juan Cousseau is on topics related to Full-Duplex communications and Interference Alignment. Scientific-in-charge at Inria: Guillaume Villemaud.

  • Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi, Romania, Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. This recent collaboration has started on topics related on the theoretical aspects of the ultra-low power radio communications. Scientific-in-charge at Inria: Florin Hutu

  • Technical University of Fulda, Germany. This collaboration with the group of Martin Kumm covers many aspects of computer arithmetic, with several joint papers, collaboration on the FloPoCo project, and work in progress on a textbook to appear in 2020. Scientific-in-charge at Inria: Florent de Dinechin

  • Imperial College, London, UK, departments of Computing and Electrical Engineering. This collaboration with the groups of David Thomas and George Constantinides covers several aspects of reconfigurable computing and reconfigurable arithmetic. Scientific-in-charge at Inria: Florent de Dinechin