Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Pascal Fradet, Théorie des Langages 1 & 2, 36 HeqTD, niveau L3, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Licence : Pascal Fradet, Modèles de Calcul : -calcul, 12 HeqTD, niveau L3, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Master : Pascal Fradet, Langages et Traducteurs, 16 HeqTD, niveau M1, Polytech Grenoble, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Master : Xavier Nicollin, Analyse de Code pour la Sûreté et la Sécurité, 45 HeqTD, niveau M1, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Licence : Xavier Nicollin, Théorie des Langages 1, 48 HeqTD, niveau L3. Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Licence : Xavier Nicollin, Théorie des Langages 2, 37,5 HeqTD, niveau L3, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Licence : Xavier Nicollin, Bases de la Programmation Impérative, 30 HeqTD, niveau L3, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Licence : Sophie Quinton, Théorie des Langages 2, 20 HeqTD, niveau L3, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Master : Sophie Quinton, Performance and Quantitative Properties, 8 HeqTD, MOSIG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Master: Jean-Bernard Stefani, Formal Aspects of Component Software, 9h, MOSIG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.
PhD in progress: Sihem Cherrared, “Fault Management in Multi-Tenant Programmable Networks”; Univ. Rennes 1; since October 2016; co-advised by Eric Fabre and Gregor Gössler.
PhD in progress: Thomas Mari, “Construction of Safe Explainable Cyber-physical systems”; Grenoble INP; since October 2019; co-advised by Gregor Gössler and Thao Dang.
PhD: Christophe Prévot, “Early Performance assessment for evolving and variable Cyber-Physical Systems”, Univ. Grenoble Alpes; defended on November 15th, 2019; co-advised by Alain Girault and Sophie Quinton.
PhD: Zain A. H. Hammadeh, “Deadline Miss Models for Temporarily Overloaded Systems”, TU Braunschweig; defended on May 28th, 2019; co-advised by Rolf Ernst and Sophie Quinton.
PhD in progress: Stephan Plassart, “On-line optimization in dynamic real-time systems”; Univ. Grenoble Alpes; since September 2016; co-advised by Bruno Gaujal and Alain Girault.
PhD in progress: Xiaojie Guo, “Formal Proofs for the Analysis of Real-Time Systems in Coq ”; Univ. Grenoble Alpes; since December 2016; co-advised by Pascal Fradet, Jean-François Monin, and Sophie Quinton.
PhD in progress: Maxime Lesourd, “Generic Proofs for the Analysis of Real-Time Systems in Coq ”; Univ. Grenoble Alpes; since September 2017; co-advised by Pascal Fradet, Jean-François Monin, and Sophie Quinton.
PhD in progress: Arash Shafiei, “RDF: A reconfigurable dataflow MoC supporting dynamic topological transformations and static analyzability”; Univ. Grenoble Alpes; since September 2017; co-advised by Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, and Xavier Nicollin.
PhD in progress: Martin Vassor, “Analysis and types for safe dynamic software reconfigurations”; Univ. Grenoble Alpes; since November 2017; co-advised by Pascal Fradet and Jean-Bernard Stefani.
Internships: Jonathan Julou and Martin Portalier, “Formal proofs for real-time systems analysis”; Ensimag ; co-advised by Pascal Fradet, Xiaojie Guo, Maxime Lesourd and Sophie Quinton.
Alain Girault was referee for the Habilitation thesis of Julien De Antoni (Université Côte d'Azur) and was member of the PhD thesis of Pierre Donat-Bouillud (Sorbonne Université). He was also vice-president of the Inria Starting Research Position (SRP) Advanced Research Position (ARP) jurys.
Jean-Bernard Stefani was examiner for the Habilitation (HDR) jury of Thomas Ledoux (Université de Nantes).
Sophie Quinton was a member of the PhD thesis committee of Hugo Daigmorte (Université de Toulouse).