Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • S. Boldo has been the scientific head for Saclay for the MECSI group for networking about computer science popularization inside Inria until October 2019.

  • She was also responsible (with A. Couvreur of the Grace team a,d M. Quet of the SCM) for the 2019 “Fête de la science” on October 10th and 11th 2019. Teenagers were welcomed on 8 activities ranging from unplugged activities with Duplo construction toys to programming, and from applied mathematics to theoretical computer science.


  • S. Conchon and J.-C. Filliâtre, together with K. Nguyen and T. Balabonski (members of the LRI team but not members of Toccata), wrote a book “Numérique et Sciences Informatiques, 30 leçons avec exercices corrigés” (Ellipses, August 2019) [36] targeting the new Computer Science programme in the French high school system, which started in September 2019.

  • S. Boldo gave a talk and was involved in the organization of the “Rencontres des Jeunes mathématiciennes et Informaticiennes” organized in Saclay on Oct 21st and 22nd 2019. About 20 female teenagers were welcomed for two days with talks and exercises to discover research.


  • C. Marché presented an overview of the Why3 tool and its ecosystem at the Paris Open Source Summit in Saint-Denis, Dec. 11, 2019, as part of a workshop “ATELIER Inria : OCaml, Coq, Why 3: pour concevoir codes et infrastructures plus sûrs en C, Java, Javascript, Ada” https://www.opensourcesummit.paris/conferences.html?date=1576022400).

  • S. Boldo gave a talk at a high school in Sceaux on Feb 8th.

  • S. Boldo presented the floating-point arithmetic at IRIF to the members of the CODYS ANR on April 1st.