Section: Overall Objectives


  • Daniel Romero’s Ph.D thesis [12] , [17] has shown that Feedback Control Loops (FCLs) can be ubiquitous and enable the integration of context information between heterogeneous entities, which is necessary in order to adapt applications according to the current environmental conditions. The decision making of the Ubiquitous FCLs is based on constraint programming techniques in order to select a new target configuration of the application regarding dimensions such as Quality of Service (QoS), reconfiguration cost and resource consumption.

  • Carlos Parra's Ph.D. thesis [11] extends software product lines as Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL) by providing mechanisms to adapt products at runtime. We have characterized two processes of product derivation: design weaving and runtime weaving. Design weaving aims at building a single product from a selection of variants, it also features a set of algorithms that guarantee the correctness of the products being derived as detailed in [69] . Runtime weaving aims at adapting a product being executed by changing its configuration in terms of selected variants. Both processes use the same variability and aspect models which enables developers to have a unified representation of the software adaptation [16] . For the implementation, design weaving is based on model transformations and code generation, runtime weaving is based on the dynamic platform FraSCAti to execute reconfigurations during the execution of products.