Section: Overall Objectives


In 2011, the Varna software was highlighted in both the scientific reports of CNRS (Rapport Scientifique 2010) and Digiteo foundation. Varna is currently used by RNA scientists (Cited by 44 research articles since its presentation in Fall of 2009), web servers such as the BouldeAle webserver (http://www.microbio.me/boulderale/ ), the TFold webserver (http://tfold.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/TFold/ ),the CyloFold webserver (http://cylofold.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/ ), and by databases such as the IRESite database (http://iresite.org/ ), sRNATarBase (http://ccb.bmi.ac.cn/srnatarbase/ ) and the RFAM database (http://rfam.sanger.ac.uk/ ), the main source of sequence/structure data for RNA scientist, to display secondary structures. It is also used as an integrated component within JalView, arguably one of the leading sequence alignment editor (http://www.jalview.org/ ).