Section: Overall Objectives


  • Our research results were presented during several prestigious invited lectures (including the French Academy of Medicine etc.).

  • Christof Seiler received the Young Investigator award at the Miccai 2011 conference held in Toronto for his paper[68] .

  • Kristin McLeod and Adityo Prakosa received the Best Paper awards for their article on the evaluation of algorithms for cardiac motion recovery [64] at the MICCAI 2011 STACOM Workshop.

  • Hervé Lombaert received a Best Paper Award at the FIMH 2011 conference in New York for his paper on human cardiac fiber atlas[56] .

  • Marco Lorenzi received an Honorable mention (runner-up) for the Erbsmann Award at the IPMI conference, Irsee, Germany, 2011 for this paper[61] .

  • Olivier Clatz and Pierre Fillard (EPI Parietal) were awarded at the national contest for the creation of start-up companies in the category "Emergence"

Best Papers Awards :

[68] Geometry-Aware Multiscale Image Registration Via OBBTree-Based Polyaffine Log-Demons in Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2011 (MICCAI).

C. Seiler, X. Pennec, M. Reyes Aguirre.

[64] An Incompressible Log-Domain Demons Algorithm for Tracking Heart Tissue in Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Mapping Structure and Function (STACOM11).

K. McLeod, A. Prakosa, T. Mansi, M. Sermesant, X. Pennec.

[56] Statistical Analysis of the Human Cardiac Fiber Architecture from DT-MRI in Proceedings of FIMH Conference 2011.

H. Lombaert, J.-M. Peyrat, P. Croisille, S. Rapacchi, L. Fanton, P. Clarysse, H. Delingette, N. Ayache.

[61] Schilds Ladder for the parallel transport of deformations in time series of images in Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'11).

M. Lorenzi, N. Ayache, X. Pennec.