Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

Today, in every industrial activity, numerical geometry has a dramatic impact on the way designer and engineer's work. In the aerospace industry for example, sketch and design, aerodynamic simulations, mechanical and structural engineering, manufacturing, as well as project review, pilot training, ergonomic studies or maintenance operations, all these works are based on geometric models and numerical simulations. Moreover, despite of the efficient commercial offer in this domain, the market for this new technology is growing since the recent years in the world. Because of the new international concurrency, the industrial production requires more adaptability and flexibility, more design and engineering cycles in a given time, more precision and robustness. Geometry modeling and Computing, is a key point in the all Computer Aided Design applications required in the industrial process. The main objectives the CAD Project are to propose efficient mathematical representations as well as robust algorithms, that allow to creating complex shapes and high precision geometric operations.

Moreover, from this year, the Project also focuses on some Computer Graphics applications, mainly rendering and Computer Animation.