Section: Dissemination
Licence :
Licence : Introduction to computers architecture, 44h, L1 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)
Licence : Mathematics for informatics, 64h, L2 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)
Licence : Datastructures, 44h, L1 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)
Licence : Algorithmics and programming in JAVA, 64h, L1 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)
Licence: System Programming, 60h, L3, Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)
Licence: Algorithmics and programming: an introduction, 30h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Licence: Languages and translators, 14h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Licence: Advanced programming, 10h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Licence: Algorithmics, 24h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Licence : Introduction aux Bases de données, 50h, L3, Université Lille 1 (EPU), France (Anne Etien)
Master :
Master : Advanced Object Conception, 69h, M1, Université Lille 1, France (Cédric Dumoulin)
Master : New Technologies for the Web, 75h, M2, Université Lille 1, France (Cédric Dumoulin)
Master : Embedded System Design, 18h, M2, Télécom Lille 1, France (Abdoulaye Gamatié et Pierre Boulet)
Master : Distributed Systems, 18h, M2, Université Lille 1, France (Pierre Boulet)
Master : UML profiles for Embeded Systems, 3h, M1, University of Oran, Algeria (Pierre Boulet)
Master: Design of Operating System, 42h, M1 Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)
Master: Parallel and Distributed Programming, 24h, M1 Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)
Master: Introduction to Innovation and Research, 15h, M2 Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)
Master: Operating systems, 40h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Master: Advanced operating system programming, 8h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Master: Fundamentals of computer science, 8h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Master: Distributed systems, 8h, M2, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)
Master : Bases de données, 20h, M1, Université Lille 1 (EPU), France (Anne Etien)
Master : Ingénierie Logicielle, 20h, M2, Université Lille 1 (EPU), France (Anne Etien)
Laure Gonnord teaches several basic courses such as algorithmics, programming in C, compilation and an introduction to theoritical computer science for engineers.
Laure Gonnord has co-supervised with Christophe Alias (Compsys) Guillaume Andrieu's undergraduate intership on modular termination of C programs.
Vlad Rusu co-supervises the PhD thesis of Andrei Arusoaie with Dorel Lucanu (University of Iasi, Romania) on the design and anslysis of DSMLs using in the K framework (since October 2011).
Vlad Rusu is the supervisor of the postdoctoral research of Christophe Calvès on the formal definition of Kermeta in the K framework (since September 2010).
Abdoulaye Gamatié has supervised Sarra Boumedien, Master Student Sfax Tunisia, March-July for her master thesis on Clock-based Design of a Multimedia Application on SoCs.
PhD & HdR (Les thèses soutenues doivent figurer dans la bibliographie) :
PhD in progress : Amen Souissi,"Propagation bidirectionnelle des modifications effectuées sur un modèle appartenant à une chaîne de transformation de modèles" ,01/10/2009, Pierre Boulet et Cedric Dumoulin
PhD in progress : Amine EL KOUHEN, Méta-modèle d'adaptation des outils de modélisation, Janvier 2011, Cédric DUMOULIN (LIFL), Sébastien GERARD (CEA), Pierre BOULET (LIFL)
Vincent Aranega has defended his phD thesis entitled "Tracabilité pour la mise au point de modèle et la correction de transformation" on November 2011.