Section: Dissemination


Licence :

  • Licence : Introduction to computers architecture, 44h, L1 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)

  • Licence : Mathematics for informatics, 64h, L2 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)

  • Licence : Datastructures, 44h, L1 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)

  • Licence : Algorithmics and programming in JAVA, 64h, L1 Université de Lille 1, France (Frédéric Guyomarch)

  • Licence: System Programming, 60h, L3, Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)

  • Licence: Algorithmics and programming: an introduction, 30h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Licence: Languages and translators, 14h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Licence: Advanced programming, 10h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Licence: Algorithmics, 24h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Licence : Introduction aux Bases de données, 50h, L3, Université Lille 1 (EPU), France (Anne Etien)

Master :

  • Master : Advanced Object Conception, 69h, M1, Université Lille 1, France (Cédric Dumoulin)

  • Master : New Technologies for the Web, 75h, M2, Université Lille 1, France (Cédric Dumoulin)

  • Master : Embedded System Design, 18h, M2, Télécom Lille 1, France (Abdoulaye Gamatié et Pierre Boulet)

  • Master : Distributed Systems, 18h, M2, Université Lille 1, France (Pierre Boulet)

  • Master : UML profiles for Embeded Systems, 3h, M1, University of Oran, Algeria (Pierre Boulet)

  • Master: Design of Operating System, 42h, M1 Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)

  • Master: Parallel and Distributed Programming, 24h, M1 Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)

  • Master: Introduction to Innovation and Research, 15h, M2 Université Lille 1, France (Philippe Marquet)

  • Master: Operating systems, 40h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Master: Advanced operating system programming, 8h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Master: Fundamentals of computer science, 8h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Master: Distributed systems, 8h, M2, Polytech'Lille, France (Julien Forget)

  • Master : Bases de données, 20h, M1, Université Lille 1 (EPU), France (Anne Etien)

  • Master : Ingénierie Logicielle, 20h, M2, Université Lille 1 (EPU), France (Anne Etien)


Laure Gonnord teaches several basic courses such as algorithmics, programming in C, compilation and an introduction to theoritical computer science for engineers.

Laure Gonnord has co-supervised with Christophe Alias (Compsys) Guillaume Andrieu's undergraduate intership on modular termination of C programs.


Vlad Rusu co-supervises the PhD thesis of Andrei Arusoaie with Dorel Lucanu (University of Iasi, Romania) on the design and anslysis of DSMLs using in the K framework (since October 2011).


Vlad Rusu is the supervisor of the postdoctoral research of Christophe Calvès on the formal definition of Kermeta in the K framework (since September 2010).

Abdoulaye Gamatié has supervised Sarra Boumedien, Master Student Sfax Tunisia, March-July for her master thesis on Clock-based Design of a Multimedia Application on SoCs.

PhD & HdR (Les thèses soutenues doivent figurer dans la bibliographie) :

  • PhD in progress : Amen Souissi,"Propagation bidirectionnelle des modifications effectuées sur un modèle appartenant à une chaîne de transformation de modèles" ,01/10/2009, Pierre Boulet et Cedric Dumoulin

  • PhD in progress : Amine EL KOUHEN, Méta-modèle d'adaptation des outils de modélisation, Janvier 2011, Cédric DUMOULIN (LIFL), Sébastien GERARD (CEA), Pierre BOULET (LIFL)

  • Vincent Aranega has defended his phD thesis entitled "Tracabilité pour la mise au point de modèle et la correction de transformation" on November 2011.