
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1A. C. Aljundi, J.-L. Dekeyser, M. T. Kechadi, I. D. Scherson.

    A universal performance factor for multi-criteria evaluation of multistage interconnection networks, in: Future Generation Comp. Syst., 2006, vol. 22, no 7, p. 794-804.
  • 2A. Cuccuru, J.-L. Dekeyser, P. Marquet, P. Boulet.

    Towards UML 2 extensions for compact modeling of regular complex topologies, in: MODELS/UML 2005, ACM/IEEE 8th international conference on model driven engineering languages and systems, Montego Bay, Jamaica, October 2005.
  • 3A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser, Y. Le Menach.

    Automatic Multi-GPU Code Generation applied to Simulation of Electrical Machines, in: Compumag 2011, Sydney, Australia, July 2011.

  • 4A. Gamatié, É. Rutten, H. Yu, P. Boulet, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Synchronous Modeling and Analysis of Data Intensive Applications, in: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems,eurasip, july 2008, vol. 2008, Article ID 561863.
  • 5A. Gamatié.

    Design of Streaming Applications on MPSoCs using Abstract Clocks, in: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE'2012), Dresden, Allemagne, 2012.

  • 6A. Gamatié, S. Le Beux, É. Piel, R. Ben Atitallah, A. Etien, P. Marquet, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    A Model Driven Design Framework for Massively Parallel Embedded Systems, in: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2011, vol. 10, no 4.

  • 7C. Glitia, P. Boulet, E. Lenormand, M. Barreteau.

    Repetitive model refactoring strategy for the design space exploration of intensive signal processing applications, in: Journal of Systems Architecture, January 2011, vol. 57, no 9, p. 815-829. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.sysarc.2010.12.002 ]

  • 8S. Le Beux, P. Marquet, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    A Model Driven Co-Design Approach for High Perforamnce Embedded Systems Dedicated to Transport, in: Studies in Informatics and Control Journal, 2008, vol. 2008, no 4.
  • 9P. Marquet, S. Duquennoy, S. Le Beux, S. Meftali, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Massively Parallel Processing on a Chip, in: ACM Int'l Conf. on Computing Frontiers, Ischia, Italy, May 2007.
  • 10Santhosh Kumar. Rethinagiri, R. Ben Atitallah, S. Niar, E. Senn, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Hybrid System Level Power Consumption Estimation for 29FPGA-Based MPSoC, in: 29th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design ICCD 2011, October 2011.
  • 11V. Rusu.

    Embedding Domain-Specific Modelling Languages in Maude Specifications, in: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, January 2011, vol. 36, no 1, Extended version accepted in the Systems and Software Engineering Journal.. [ DOI : 10.1145/1921532.1921557 ]

  • 12C. Trabelsi, S. Meftali, R. Ben Atitallah, A. Jemai, J.-L. Dekeyser, S. Niar.

    An MDE Approach for Energy Consumption Estimation in MPSoC Design, in: 2nd Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools, Italie Pisa, Jan 2010, 6 p. p.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 13A. Abdallah.

    Conception de SoC à Base d'Horloges Abstraites : Vers l'Exploration d'Architectures en MARTE, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, March 2011.

  • 14V. Aranega.

    Traçabilité pour la mise au point de modèles et la correction de transformations, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, November 2011.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 15G. Afonso, N. Belanger.

    Making a MARTE, March 2011.
  • 16Y. Aydi, M. Baklouti, J.-L. Dekeyser, M. Abid.

    A Multi-Level Design Methodology of Multistage Interconnection Network for MPSOCs, in: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), 2011, vol. 42, no 1-2.

  • 17A. Gamatié, S. Le Beux, É. Piel, R. Ben Atitallah, A. Etien, P. Marquet, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    A Model Driven Design Framework for Massively Parallel Embedded Systems, in: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2011, vol. 10, no 4.

  • 18C. Glitia, P. Boulet, E. Lenormand, M. Barreteau.

    Repetitive model refactoring strategy for the design space exploration of intensive signal processing applications, in: Journal of Systems Architecture, January 2011, vol. 57, no 9, p. 815-829. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.sysarc.2010.12.002 ]

  • 19C. Pagetti, J. Forget, F. Boniol, M. Cordovilla, D. Lesens.

    Multi-task implementation of multi-periodic synchronous programs, in: Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2011, vol. 21, no 3, p. 307-338.

  • 20L. Rose, E. Guerra, J. De Lara, A. Etien, D. Kolovos, R. F. Paige.

    Generic Model Management, in: Software and Systems Modeling, 2011, in press.

  • 21V. Rusu.

    Embedding Domain-Specific Modelling Languages in Maude Specifications, in: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, January 2011, vol. 36, no 1, Extended version accepted in the Systems and Software Engineering Journal.. [ DOI : 10.1145/1921532.1921557 ]

  • 22A. Souissi, P. Boulet, C. Dumoulin, M. Launay.

    Modélisation centrée sur les processus métier pour la génération complète de portails collaboratifs, in: Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), November 2011.

  • 23C. Trabelsi, R. Ben Atitallah, S. Meftali, J.-L. Dekeyser, A. Jemai.

    AModel-Driven Approach for Hybrid Power Estimation in Embedded Systems Design, in: Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems, April 2011.


Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 24A. Abdallah, A. Gamatié, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Modélisation UML/MARTE de SoC et analyse temporelle basée sur l'approche synchrone, in: RSTI - TSI - 30/2011. Architecture des ordinateurs, 2011, vol. 30, p. 1089 – 1114.


Invited Conferences

  • 25S. Cherif, C. Trabelsi, S. Meftali, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    High Level Design of adaptive distributed controller for Partial Dynamic reconfiguration in FPGA, in: Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, Tampere, Finland, September 2011.

  • 26M. Elhaji, B. Attia, A. Zitouni, R. Tourki, S. Meftali, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    FERONOC : Flexible and extensible router implementation for diagonal mesh topology, in: Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, Tampere, Finland, September 2011.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 27G. Afonso, R. Ben Atitallah, N. Belanger, M. Rubio, J.-L. Dekeyser, A. Loyer.

    A prototyping environment for high performance reconfigurable computing, in: 6th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, Montpellier, France, June 2011.
  • 28G. Afonso, R. Ben Atitallah, N. Belanger, M. Rubio, J.-L. Dekeyser, S. Stilkerich.

    Toward Generic and Adaptive Avionic Test Systems, in: NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, San Diego, USA, June 2011.
  • 29G. Afonso, R. Ben Atitallah, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    A Design Environment for Reconfigurable Computing Systems, in: Systems-on-Chip - System-in-Package, Lyon, France, June 2011.
  • 30B. Anthony Jose, A. Gamatié, J. Ouy, S. Kumar Shukla.

    SMT based false causal loop detection during code synthesis from Polychronous specifications, in: 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2011.

  • 31B. Combemale, L. Gonnord, V. Rusu.

    A Generic Tool for Tracing Executions Back to a DSML's Operational Semantics, in: Seventh European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2011, vol. 6698, p. 35-51.

  • 32M. Cordovilla, F. Boniol, J. Forget, E. Noulard, C. Pagetti.

    Developing critical embedded systems on multicore architectures: the Prelude-SchedMCore toolset, in: 19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems, Nantes, France, Irccyn, September 2011.

  • 33A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Programming Massively Parallel Architectures using MARTE: a Case Study, in: 2nd Workshop on Model Based Engineering for Embedded Systems Design (M-BED 2011) on Date Conference 2011, Grenoble, France, March 2011.

  • 34A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser, Y. Le Menach.

    Automatic Multi-GPU Code Generation applied to Simulation of Electrical Machines, in: Compumag 2011, Sydney, Australia, July 2011.

  • 35M. Elhaji, P. Boulet, R. Tourki, A. Zitouni, J.-L. Dekeyser, S. Meftali.

    Modeling Networks-on-Chip at System Level with the MARTE UML profile, in: M-BED'2011, Grenoble, France, March 2011.

  • 36J. Forget, E. Grolleau, C. Pagetti, P. Richard.

    Dynamic Priority Scheduling of Periodic Tasks with Extended Precedences, in: IEEE 16th Conference on Emerging Technologies Factory Automation (ETFA), Toulouse, France, September 2011. [ DOI : 10.1109/ETFA.2011.6059015 ]

  • 37A. Gamatié.

    Design of Streaming Applications on MPSoCs using Abstract Clocks, in: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE'2012), Dresden, Allemagne, 2012.

  • 38A. Gamatié, L. Gonnord.

    Static analysis of synchronous programs in signal for efficient design of multi-clocked embedded systems, in: ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED conference on Languages, compilers, and tools for embedded systems, LCTES 2011, Chicago, IL, United States, 2011, p. 71-80.

  • 39J. Guo, A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, J. Thiyagalingam, F. Guyomarc'h, P. Boulet, S.-B. Scholz.

    Harnessing the Power of GPUs without Losing Abstractions in SaC and ArrayOL: A Comparative Study, in: HIPS 2011, 16th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, Anchorage (Alaska), United States, May 2011.

  • 40D. Monniaux, L. Gonnord.

    Using Bounded Model Checking to Focus Fixpoint Iterations, in: Static analysis, Venezia, Italie, E. Yahav (editor), Lecture notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011, vol. 6887, p. 369-385. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-23702-7_27 ]

  • 41Santhosh Kumar. Rethinagiri, R. Ben Atitallah, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    A System Level Power Consumption Estimation for MPSoC, in: International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2011, October 2011.
  • 42Santhosh Kumar. Rethinagiri, R. Ben Atitallah, S. Niar, E. Senn, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Fast and Accurate Hybrid Power Estimation Methodology for Embedded Systems , in: Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), November 2011.
  • 44V. Rusu, D. Lucanu.

    A K-Based Formal Framework for Domain-Specific Modelling Languages, in: Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Systems, Torino, Italy, October 2011.

  • 45V. Rusu, D. Lucanu.

    K Semantics for OCL - a Proposal for a Formal Definition for OCL, in: 2nd International K Workshop, Cheile Gradistei (Brasov), Roumanie, August 2011.

  • 46R. Wiss, F. Boniol, C. Pagetti, J. Forget.

    Calcul et vérification de propriété de latence sur une spécification fonctionnelle synchrone multi-périodique, in: Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL), Grenoble, 2012, to appear.

National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 47A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    A Modeling Approach based on UML/MARTE for GPU Architecture, in: Symposium en Architectures nouvelles de machines (SympA'14), Saint Malo, France, May 2011.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 48J. Forget, E. Grolleau, C. Pagetti.

    Ordonnancement de tâches périodiques avec précédences étendues sans sémaphores, in: ROADEF 2011, SAINT ETIENNE, France, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, March 2011.

  • 49Santhosh Kumar. Rethinagiri, R. Ben Atitallah, S. Niar, E. Senn, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    An Effective Approach for Power Consumption Modeling of Complex Processor , in: GDR SOC-SIP, June 2011.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 50V. Aranega, J.-M. Mottu, A. Etien, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Using Trace to Situate Errors in Model Transformations, in: Software and Data Technologies, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, April 2011, vol. 50. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-20116-5_11 ]

  • 51Y. Aydi, M. Baklouti, P. Marquet, J.-L. Dekeyser, M. Abid.

    A Design Methodology of MIN-Based Network for MPPSoC on Reconfigurable Architecture, in: Reconfigurable Embedded Control Systems: Applications for Flexibility and Agility, M. Khalgui, H.-M. Hanisch (editors), IGI-Global, 2011, p. 209-234.

  • 52R. Corvino, A. Gamatié, P. Boulet.

    Design Space Exploration for Efficient Data Intensive Computing on SoCs, in: Handbook of Data Intensive Computing, B. Furht, A. Escalante (editors), Springer, 2011.

  • 53J.-L. Dekeyser, A. Gamatié, S. Meftali, I. R. Quadri.

    Models for Co-Design of Heterogeneous Dynamically Reconfigurable SoCs, in: Heterogeneous Embedded Systems - Design Theory and Practice, Springer, 2012, 26 p.

  • 54A. Gamatié.

    Specification of Data Intensive Applications with Data Dependency and Abstract Clocks, in: Handbook of Data Intensive Computing, B. Furht, A. Escalante (editors), Springer, 2011.


Internal Reports

  • 55A. Abdallah, A. Gamatié, R. Ben Atitallah, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Correct and Energy-Efficient Design of a Multimedia Application on SoCs, INRIA, August 2011, no RR-7715.

  • 56A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, V. Aranega, A. Etien, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Enabling Traceability in an MDE Approach to Improve Performance of GPU Applications, INRIA, August 2011, no RR-7720.

  • 57A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, V. Aranega, A. Etien, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Enabling Traceability in an MDE Approach to Improve Performance of GPU Applications, INRIA, August 2011, no RR-7720.

  • 58A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    An MDE Approach for Automatic Code Generation from MARTE to OpenCL, INRIA, February 2011, no RR-7525.

  • 59B. A. Jose, A. Gamatié, M. Kracht, S. K. Shukla.

    Improved False Causal Loop Detection in Polychronous Specificationof Embedded Software, INRIA, 2011.


Scientific Popularization

  • 60P. Boulet.

    Modélisation et analyse de systèmes embarqués ou temps-réel avec le profil UML MARTE, in: Techniques de l'Ingenieur, February 2011, no IN120.


Other Publications

  • 61A. W. De Oliveira Rodrigues, F. Guyomarc'h, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Using ArrayOL to Identify Potentially Shareable Data in Thread Work-Groups of GPUs, March 2011, Poster.

References in notes
  • 62The Eclipse Project, 2003.

  • 63EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework, 2007.

  • 64Acceleo, 2009.

  • 65 Object Management Group, Inc. (editor)

    U2 Partners' (UML 2.0): Superstructure, 2nd revised submission, January 2003.

  • 66 Object Management Group, Inc. (editor)

    (UML 2.0): Superstructure Draft Adopted Specification, July 2003.

  • 67SystemC, 2002.

  • 68OpenMP Application Programme Interface, May 2005.

  • 69A. Abdallah, A. Gamatié, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Modélisation UML/MARTE de SoC et analyse temporelle basée sur l'approche synchrone, in: SYMPosium en Architecture de machines (SympA'13), Toulouse, France, September 2009.
  • 70A. Abdallah, A. Gamatié, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Model-Driven Design of Embedded Multimedia Applications on SoCs, in: 12th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD2009), Patras, Greece, August 2009.
  • 71A. Abdallah, A. Gamatié, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Correct and Energy-Efficient Design of SoCs: the H.264 Encoder Case Study, in: International Symposium on System-on-Chip (SoC'2010), Finlande Tampere, 2010.

  • 72G. Afonso, R. B. Atitallah, N. Belanger, M. Rubio, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    An Efficient Design Methodology for Hybrid Avionic Test Systems, in: IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Bilbao, Spain, Sep 2010.
  • 73A. Agrawal.

    Graph Rewriting And Transformation (GReAT): A Solution For The Model Integrated Computing Bottleneck, in: 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'03), 2003, p. 364-368.
  • 74C. André, F. Mallet, R. de Simone.

    Time Modeling in MARTE, in: ECSI Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL), Barcelona Espagne, ECSI, 2007, p. 268-273.

  • 75V. Aranega, A. Etien, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Using an Alternative Trace for QVT, in: Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling, Norvège Olso, Oct 2010.

  • 76V. Aranega, J.-M. Mottu, A. Etien, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Traceability Mechanism for Error Localization in Model Transformation, in: ICSOFT, Bulgaria, July 2009.
  • 77V. Aranega, J.-M. Mottu, A. Etien, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Using Traceability to Enhance Mutation Analysis Dedicated to Model Transformation, in: Workshop on Model driven Engineering Verification and Validation, Norvège Olso, Oct 2010.

  • 78R. Bendraou, B. Combemale, X. Crégut, M.-P. Gervais.

    Definition of an Executable SPEM 2.0, in: APSEC, IEEE Computer Society, 2007, p. 390-397.
  • 79A. Benveniste, P. Caspi, S. Edwards, N. Halbwachs, P. Le Guernic, R. de Simone.

    The Synchronous Languages Twelve Years Later, in: Proceedings of the IEEE, January 2003, vol. 91, no 1, p. 64-83.
  • 80A. E. H. Benyamina, P. Boulet.

    Multi-objective Mapping for NoC Architecture, in: Journal of Digital Information Management, December 2007, vol. 5, no 6, p. 378–384.
  • 81P. Boulet.

    Array-OL Revisited, Multidimensional Intensive Signal Processing Specification, INRIA, February 2007, no RR-6113.

  • 82P. Boulet.

    Formal Semantics of Array-OL, a Domain Specific Language for Intensive Multidimensional Signal Processing, INRIA, March 2008, no RR-6467.

  • 83P. Boulet, J.-L. Dekeyser, J.-L. Levaire, P. Marquet, J. Soula, A. Demeure.

    Visual Data-parallel Programming for Signal Processing Applications, in: 9th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, PDP 2001, Mantova, Italy, February 2001, p. 105–112.
  • 84T. Buchmann, A. Dotor, S. Uhrig, B. Westfechtel.

    Model-Driven Software Development with Graph Transformations: A Comparative Case Study, in: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance, Third International Symposium (AGTIVE'07), 2007, p. 345-360.
  • 85P. Caspi, D. Pilaud, N. Halbwachs, J.A. Plaice.

    Lustre: a declarative language for real-time programming, in: Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN symposium on Principles of programming languages (POPL'87), ACM Press, 1987, p. 178-188.
  • 86S. Cherif, I. R. Quadri, S. Meftali, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Modeling reconfigurable Systems-on-Chips with UML MARTE profile: an exploratory analysis, in: 13th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2010), France Lille, Sep 2010.

  • 87M. Clavel, F. Durán, S. Eker, P. Lincoln, N. Martí-Oliet, J. Meseguer, C. L. Talcott..

    All About Maude, A High-Performance Logical Framework, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2007, vol. 4350.
  • 88R. Corvino, A. Gamatié, P. Boulet.

    Architecture Exploration for Efficient Data Transfer and Storage in Data-Parallel Applications, in: Euro-Par 2010 - Parallel Processing, P. D'Ambra, M. Guarracino, D. Talia (editors), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010, vol. 6271, p. 101–116.

  • 89G. Csertán, G. Huszerl, I. Majzik, Z. Pap, A. Pataricza, D. Varró.

    VIATRA - Visual Automated Transformations for Formal Verification and Validation of UML Models, in: 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'02), 2002, p. 267-270.
  • 90A. Demeure, A. Lafage, E. Boutillon, D. Rozzonelli, J.-C. Dufourd, J.-L. Marro.

    Array-OL : Proposition d'un Formalisme Tableau pour le Traitement de Signal Multi-Dimensionnel, in: Gretsi, Juan-Les-Pins, France, September 1995.
  • 91A. Demeure, Y. Del Gallo.

    An Array Approach for Signal Processing Design, in: Sophia-Antipolis conference on Micro-Electronics (SAME 98), France, October 1998.
  • 92P. Dumont, P. Boulet.

    Transformations de code Array-OL : implémentation de la fusion de deux tâches, Laboratoire d'Informatique fondamentale de Lille et Thales Communications, October 2003.
  • 93P. Dumont.

    Étude des Transformations d'un Code Array-OL dans Gaspard, Laboratoire d'informatique fondamentale de Lille, Université des sciences et technologies de Lille, France, September 2002, no 02-11.

  • 94P. Dumont.

    Spécification multidimensionnelle pour le traitement du signal systématique, Laboratoire d'informatique fondamentale de Lille, Université des sciences et technologies de Lille, 2005, (In French).
  • 95M. Egea, V. Rusu.

    Formal executable semantics for conformance in the MDE framework, in: Innivations in Software and Systems Engineering, 2010.

  • 96A. Etien, A. Muller, T. Legrand, X. Blanc.

    Combining Independent Model Transformations, in: ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), Suisse Sierre, Mar 2010.

  • 97D. D. Gajski, R. Kuhn.

    Guest Editor Introduction: New VLSI-Tools, in: IEEE Computer, December 1983, vol. 16, no 12, p. 11-14.
  • 98I. Galvão, A. Goknil.

    Survey of Traceability Approaches in Model-Driven Engineering, in: IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2007), October 2007, p. 313-326.
  • 99A. Gamatié.

    Designing Embedded Systems with the SIGNAL Programming Language, Springer, 2010.
  • 100A. Gamatié, V. Rusu, É. Rutten.

    Operational Semantics of the Marte Repetitive Structure Modeling Concepts for Data-Parallel Applications Design, in: 9th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC'2010), Turquie Istanbul, 2010.

  • 101C. Glitia.

    Code transformations for systematic signal processing and memory size optimizations, Université des sciences et technologies de Lille, 2006.
  • 102F. Jouault.

    Loosely Coupled Traceability for ATL, in: European Conference on Model Driven Architecture (ECMDA) workshop on traceability, 2005, p. 29–37.
  • 103S. Le Beux, P. Marquet, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Model Driven Engineering Benefits for High Level Synthesis, INRIA, 2008, no 6615.

  • 104P. Le Guernic, J.-P. Talpin, J.-C. Le Lann.

    Polychrony for System Design, in: Journal for Circuits, Systems and Computers, April 2003, vol. 12, no 3, p. 261–304.
  • 105A. Meena, P. Boulet.

    Model Driven Scheduling Framework for Multiprocessor SoC Design, in: Workshop on Scheduling for Parallel Computing, SPC 2005, Poznan, Poland, September 2005.

  • 106A. Meena.

    Allocation, Assignation et ordonnancement pour les systèmes sur puce multi-processeurs, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, December 2006.
  • 107D. Mendez, A. Etien, A. Muller, R. Casallas.

    Towards Transformation Migration After Metamodel Evolution, in: Model and Evolution Wokshop, Norvège Olso, Oct 2010.

  • 108J.-M. Mottu, B. Baudry, Y. Le Traon.

    Mutation Analysis Testing for Model Transformations, in: proceedings of the European Conference on Model Driven Architecture (ECMDA 06), Bilbao, Spain, July 2006.
  • 109P.-A. Muller, F. Fleurey, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Weaving Executability into Object-Oriented Meta-languages, in: MoDELS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2005, vol. 3713, p. 264-278.
  • 110 Object Management Group, Inc..

    Meta Object Facility (MOF) Core Specification, Version 2.0, January 2006.

  • 111 Object Management Group, Inc..

    MOF Query / Views / Transformations, July 2007, OMG paper.

  • 112I. R. Quadri, A. Gamatié, P. Boulet, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Modeling of Configurations for Embedded System Implementations in MARTE, in: 1st workshop on Model Based Engineering for Embedded Systems Design - Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2010), Allemagne Dresden, Mar 2010.

  • 113I. R. Quadri, S. Meftali, J.-L. Dekeyser.

    Designing dynamically reconfigurable SoCs: From UML MARTE models to automatic code generation, in: Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP 2010), Royaume-Uni Edinburgh, Oct 2010.

  • 114I. R. Quadri.

    MARTE based model driven design methodology for targeting dynamically reconfigurable FPGA based SoCs, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, Apr 2010.

  • 115J. Rivera, E. Guerra, J. De Lara, A. Vallecillo..

    Analyzing Rule-Based Behavioral Semantics of Visual Modeling Languages with Maude, in: Proc. 1st International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE'08), LNCS, 2008, vol. 5452, p. 54-73.
  • 116L. Rose, A. Etien, D. Mendez, D. Kolovos, F. Polack, R. F. Paige.

    Comparing Model-Metamodel and Transformation-Metamodel Co-evolution, in: Model and Evolution Wokshop, Norvège Olso, Oct 2010.

  • 117G. Rosu, T.-F. Serbanuta.

    An Overview of the K Semantic Framework, in: Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 2010, vol. 79, no 6, p. 397–434.

  • 118V. Rusu, L. Gonnord, B. Combemale.

    Formally Tracing Executions From an Analysis Tool Back to a Domain Specific Modeling Language's Operational Semantics, INRIA, Oct 2010, no RR-7423.

  • 119V. Rusu.

    Formal executable semantics for conformance in the MDE framework, in: 3rd Int. UML and Formal Methods Workshop, December 2009.
  • 120V. Rusu.

    Embedding Domain-Specific Modelling Languages in Maude Specifications, in: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 2010.

  • 121D. Schmidt.

    Model-Driven Engineering, in: IEEE Computer, February 2006, vol. 39, no 2, p. 41-47.
  • 122J. Soula.

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