Section: Overall Objectives



Guillaume Chelius is a founder of the the HiKoB company, created the 4th of July 2011 , an innovative startup in the field of sensor networking and embedded communicating measure. HiKoB employs 3 persons by the end of 2011.


DNET conducts theoretical and experimental research on social networks. In order to gain a better understanding of their structure and the dynamics of information diffusion on such networks, and validate the notion of cohesion of a group of nodes ('friends in the Facebook language) we launched Fellows an experimentation on Facebook. We introduce a novel way to automatically generate groups of friends, using only the information on “who knows who” within a user's Facebook friends. By analyzing her/him Facebook connections, we are able to compute several groups/communities of friends. The user is able to create instantly corresponding Friend Lists on Facebook, and therefore have a better control on the diffusion of his/her publications.

Equipex FIT (Futur Internet of Things)

FIt is one of 52 winning projects in the Equipex research grant program. It will set up a competitive and innovative experimental facility that brings France to the forefront of Future Internet research. FIT benefits from 5.8€ million grant from the French government Running from 22.02.11 – 31.12.2019. The main ambition is to create a first-class facility to promote experimentally driven research and to facilitate the emergence of the Internet of the future. FIT is a joind porject between UPMC, CNRS, INRIA, Telecom, LSIIT. It will be composed of distributed facility, heterogeneous devices, complementary components and be made of a Network Operations Center, a Cognitive Radio Tesbed, several Embedded Communication Objects Testbed that will upgrade an dextend the existing SensLAB sites and several Wireless OneLab Testbed.

Best Paper Award :

[24] Community detection with fuzzy community structure in ASONAM 2011.

Q. Wang, E. Fleury.