Section: Overall Objectives


We organized the 27th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2011) in Paris: http://socg2011.inria.fr/ . This is the main conference in the field. We also organised a summer school entitled “Computational Geometric Learning” at the IHP in Paris, to foster connections between Computational Geometry and Machine Learning. About 70 persons attended.

Mariette Yvinec and Pierre Alliez, together with Jane Tournois and Laurent Rineau from the INRIA spin-off Geometry Factory, received the Meshing Maestro Award at the 20th International Meshing Roundtable for their poster “Meshing with CGAL”.

Bertrand Pellenard and Pierre Alliez, together with Jean-Marie Morvan from University Lyon1/CNRS and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, received the Best Technical Poster Award at the 20th International Meshing Roundtable for their poster “Isotropic 2D Quadrangle Meshing with Size and Orientation Control”.