Section: Overall Objectives


Our work within the ANR CODEX project has lead to several important publications on: the efficient management of RDF data [21] , rewriting based on XML materialized views [41] and the maintenance of such views [35] , and the efficient processing of updates on XML documents through type projectors [31] .

Glucose 2.0 (a SAT solver developed by L. Simon) won the first prize at the international SAT competition 2011, category Application SAT+UNSAT.

AAAI'2011 Outstanding Paper Award for “Complexity of and Algorithms for Borda Manipulation” [38] , by Jessica Davies, George Katsirelos, Nina Narodytska, Toby Walsh. George Katsirelos was a PostDoc in Leo until November, 2011.

The YAGO2 demo [40] received the Best Demo Award at the 2011 WWW Conference. Fabian Suchanek was a PostDoc in Leo until September 2011.