Section: Overall Objectives


The main results of the year concern both the aforementioned research and networking objectives:

  • Integration of technical and legal requirements in a common framework to reduce legal uncertainties in software liability  [5] .

  • Definition of a formal language for the specification of obligations and a posteriori verification of legal rules [10] .

  • Co-organization of a multidisciplinary conference on digital evidence (Palais de Justice de Paris, 8 December 2011) (http://licit.inrialpes.fr/lise/ ).

  • Organization of a multidisciplinary workshop on legal and technical aspects of causality (ENSCP Paris, 7 December 2011) (http://licit.inrialpes.fr/lise/ ).

  • Co-organization of the CPDP Conference and panel on “behavioural targeting” (http://www.cpdpconferences.org ). CPDP, which is now established as the main privacy conference in Europe, attracts every year a wider and more multidisciplinary audience (more than 300 participants in 2011).