Section: Overall Objectives


  • Brigitte Plateau was nominated “Chevalier de la légion d'honneur” for her remarkable scientific contributions and her dedication to the influence of Grenoble in the scientific community.

  • Derrick Kondo was the recipient of a Google award in 2011 for his work on the prediction of idleness in data-centers.

  • Bruno Gaujal, Gaël Gorgo and Jean-Marc Vincent received the best paper award at the ASMTA conference (see Section 6.1 for a detailed account of their contribution).

  • The software RTaW-Pegase has received the "Best Tool Demo Award" at the workshop "RTSS@work" at the RTSS conference. This tool is being developped by RTaW, a Start-up company of Inria Lorraine with consulting contributions by Bruno Gaujal.

Best Paper Award :

[37] Perfect Sampling of Phase-Type Servers using Bounding Envelopes in 18th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA'11).

B. Gaujal, G. Gorgo, J.-M. Vincent.