Section: New Results

Automatic Speech Recognition

Participants : Christophe Cerisara, Sébastien Demange, Dominique Fohr, Christian Gillot, Jean-Paul Haton, Irina Illina, Denis Jouvet, Odile Mella, Luiza Orosanu, Othman Lachhab, Larbi Mesbahi.

Core recognition

Broadcast News Transcription

In the framework of the Technolangue project ESTER, we have developed a complete system, named ANTS, for French broadcast news transcription (see section 5.4 ).

Extensions of the ANTS system have been studied, including the possibility to use the sphinx recognizers. Training scripts for building acoustic models for the Sphinx recognizers are now available and take benefit of the computer cluster for a rapid optimization of the model parameters. The Sphinx models are also used for speech/text alignment on both French and English speech data. A new speech decoding program has been developed for efficient decoding on the computer cluster, and easy modification of the decoding steps (speaker segmentation and clustering, data classification, speech decoding in one or several passes, ...). It handles both the Julius and Sphinx (versions 3 and 4) decoders.

This year, we have proposed an approach to grapheme-to-phoneme conversion based on a probabilistic method: Conditional Random Fields (CRF). CRF gives a long term prediction, and assume a relaxed state independence condition. Moreover, we proposed an algorithm to the one-to-one letter to phoneme alignment needed for CRF training. This alignment is based on discrete HMMs. The proposed system was validated on two pronunciation dictionaries. Different set of input features were studied: POS-tag, context size, unigram versus bigram. Our approach compared favorably with the performance of the state-of-the-art Joint-Multigram Models (JMM) for the quality of the pronunciations, but provided better recall and precision measures for multiple pronunciation variants generation [22] [21] .

As the pronunciation lexicon is one the key-points of a speech recognition system, we have investigated to which extent wiktionary data can be used to build such a lexicon. Collecting the pronunciations available for many entries of the wiktionary make possible the creation of an initial pronunciation lexicon. Such initial lexicon is then used for training grapheme-to-phoneme conversion systems (either CRF-based of JMM-based), in order to obtain pronunciation variants for words that are not in the initial pronunciation lexicon extracted from the web wiktionary data. Combining the pronunciation variants generated by the 2 grapheme-to-phoneme systems provides the best results. Although the achieved results are not as good as those obtained with a hand-made pronunciation lexicon, this automatic approach makes possible an easy creation of a pronunciation lexicon for a new language [26] .

Confidence measures aim at estimating the confidence of a hypothesis result provided by the speech recognition engine. Two word confidence measures were proposed, which can be computed without waiting for the end of the audio stream; one frame-synchronous and one local. Our local measures achieved performance very close to a state-of-the-art measure which requires the recognition of the whole sentence. A preliminary experiment to assess the contribution of our confidence measure in improving the comprehension of automatic transcription results by hearing impaired was also conducted [10] .

Speech recognition for interaction in virtual worlds

Automatic speech recognition is investigated for vocal interaction in virtual worlds, in the context of serious games in the EMOSPEECH project. This year, a wizard-of-oz experiment was carried out to collect speech data corresponding to the dialogs from 5 players interacting with a serious game. The players were invited to speak freely to any character of the game with whom it is possible to interact, while the wizard of Oz (a game expert localized in the same room) answered them. Hence, the recorded interactions between the player and the characters of the game are natural dialogs. The audio sessions have been manually transcribed. Each session comprises roughly 30 speech turns (one player's sentence plus one wizard's sentence).

For training the language models, the text dialogs recorded by the TALARIS team (Midiki corpus) on the same serious game (but in a text-based interaction), have been used on addition of available broadcast news corpus. For this purpose we have also manually corrected the Midiki sentences, in order to handle the numerous typos and misspellings as well as chat specific "words" such as smileys (“mdr” or “lol”), emphasized punctuations (“!!!!!”) or over-segmentations such as “é-lec-tro-nique”. This normalization step is a strong requirement for speech recognition models. Different language models have then been created using different vocabulary sizes.

The acoustic models are adapted from the radio broadcast news models, using state-of-the-art Maximum A Posteriori adaptation algorithm. This reduces the mismatch in recording conditions between the game devices and the original models trained on radio streams. We are currently investigating solutions to integrate this adaptation within the speech recognition component and perform it online. At runtime, the targeted strategy is to ask the player to utter some few predefined sentences and to use these sentences to adapt the generic acoustic models to the player’s voice.

Speech recognition modeling

Robustness of speech recognition to multiple sources of speech variability is one of the most difficult challenge that limits the development of speech recognition technologies. We are actively contributing to this area via the development of the following advanced modeling approaches.

Detection of Out-Of-Vocabulary words

One of the key problems for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition is the occurrence of speech segments that are not modeled by the knowledge sources of the system. An important type of such segments are so-called Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) words (words are not included in the lexicon of the recognizer). Mostly OOV words yield more than one error in the transcription result because the error can propagate due to the language model.

We have investigated, with Frederik Stouten (postdoctoral), to what extent OOV words can be detected. For this we used a classifier that makes a decision about each speech frame whether it belongs to an OOV word or not. Acoustic features for this classifier are derived from three recognition systems. On top of the acoustic features we also used four language model features: the ngram probability, the order of the gram that was used to calculate the language model probability, the unigram probability for the current word and a binary indicator that takes the value one if the word is preceded by a first name.

We propose to exploit the fact that 38% of the OOV word observations in the broadcast news data are pronounced more than one time in a time period of less than 1 minute. To improve the detection of repeated OOV words, we design a clustering module working on the detected OOV word segments. This algorithm is based on the estimation of the entropy. The proposed incremental clustering algorithm has been evaluated on the broadcast news corpus ESTER and gave better performance than a classical baseline incremental clustering algorithm based on a distance threshold [36] .

Detailed modeling exploiting uncertainty

Modeling pronunciation variation is an important topic for automatic speech recognition. It has been widely observed that speech recognition performance degrades notably on spontaneous speech, and more precisely, that the word error rate increases when the degree of spontaneity increases. The rate of speech is also an important variability source which impacts notably on the acoustic realization of the sounds as well as on the pronunciation of the words, and consequently affects recognition performance. Large increases in word error rates are observed when speaking rate increases. And, it should be noted that rate of speech and spontaneous speech are not completely independent as the rate of speech is an important cue for detecting spontaneous speech.

This year, we have investigated further the detailed modeling of the probabilities of pronunciation variants for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition, and evaluated it on broadcast news transcriptions. In particular we have refined the modeling of the probabilities of the pronunciation variants dependent on the speaking rate. This was achieved by taking into account the uncertainty in the estimation of the speaking rate that results from the word and phoneme boundary uncertainty (speech signal - phoneme alignment errors). Such uncertainty was handled both in the training process and in the decoding step, leading to speech recognition performance improvements [25] .

Detailed acoustic modeling was also investigated using automatic classification of speaker data. With such an approach it is possible to go beyond the traditional four class models (male vs female, studio quality vs telephone quality). However, as the amount of training data for each class gets smaller when the number of classes increases, this limits the amount of classes that can efficiently be trained. Hence, this year we have investigated introducing a classification marging in the classification process. With such a marging, which handle boundary classification uncertainty, speech data at the class-boundary may belong to several classes. This increases the amount of training data in each class, which makes the class acoustic model parameters more reliable, and finally improved the overall recognition performance.

Speech recognition using distant recording

Speech recognition of distant recording of speech commands was investigated. A set of domotic commands were recorded from a few speakers using a far talking microphone. Acoustic models were adapted to this context using some training data played with a loud speaker, and recorded using a distant microphone. Among other results, preliminary experiments showed the benefit of adapting the models, as well as using a noise robust acoustic analysis when dealing with noisy data.

Training HMM acouctic models

At the beginning of his second internship at INRIA Nancy research laboratory, Othman Lachhab focused on the finalization of a speech recognition system based on context-independent HMMs models, using bigram probabilities for the phonotactic constraints and a model of duration following a normal distribution 𝒩(μ,σ 2 ) incorporated directly in the Viterbi search process. Currently, he built a reference system for speaker-independent continuous phone recognition using Context- Independent Continuous Density HMM (CI-CDHMM) modeled by Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). In this system he developed his own training technique, based on a statistical algorithm estimating the classical optimal parameters. This new training process compares favorably with already published HMM technology on the same test corpus (TIMIT).

Speech/text alignment

Alignment with native speech

Speech to text alignement is a research objective that is derived from speech recognition. While it seems easier to solve at first sight, expectations are also higher and new problems appear, such as how to handle very large audio documents, or how to handle out-of-vocabulary words. Another important challenge that motivated our work in this area concerns how to improve our results and meet the user expectation by exploiting as much as possible the interactions and feedback loop between the end-user and the system. This year, we kept on improving the open-source JTrans software platform for this task as described in Section (see section  5.6 ). We further submited an ANR Corpus proposal in collaboration with University Paris 3. We also sent a new version of the software to the "Timecode" company to help them investigating the usefulness of this approach in the application context of foreign film dubbing (see section  7.4.1 ).

Alignment with non-native speech

Non-native speech alignment with text is one critical step in computer assisted foreign language learning. The alignement is necessary to analyze the learner's utterance, in view of providing some prosody feedback (as for example bad duration of some syllables - too short or too long -). However, non-native speech alignement with text is much more complicated than native speech alignment. This is due to the pronunciation deviations observed on non-native speech, as for example the replacement of some target language phonemes by phonemes of the mother tongue, as well as errors in the pronunciations. Moreover, these pronunciation deviations are strongly speaker dependent (i.e. they depend on the mother tongue of the speaker, and on its fluency in the target foreign lanaguage) which makes their prediction difficult.

In this application context, the precision of phoneme boundaries is critical. Hence, speech-text alignment was investigated on non-native speech. A large non-native speech corpus has been manually segmented for building a reference corpus. Then automatic phonetic segmentation (resulting from the speech-text alignment) has been analyzed. The results shows that rather reliable boundaries are obtained for some phonetic classes [31] and that better results are obtained when only frequent pronunciation deviations are kept as variants in the pronunciation lexicon [27] . Further work is on-going to determine automatically a confidence value on the proposed alignments.

Computing and merging linguistic information on speech transcripts

The raw output of speech recognition is difficult to read for humans, and difficult to exploit for further automatic processing. We thus investigated solutions to enrich speech recognition outputs with non-lexical information, such as dialog acts, punctuation marks and syntactic dependencies. Computing such a linguistic information requires a corpus to train stochastic models, and we also worked out new semi-supervised training algorithms for building a French corpus dedicated to syntactic parsing of oral speech. The creation of this corpus is realized in collaboration with the TALARIS team. Finally, we designed a new solution to improve our core language models by integrating into them lexical semantic distances.

An important information for post-processing speech transcripts concerns dialog acts and punctuation marks. We initiated some work in this area several years ago with the Ph.D. thesis of Pavel Kral. Since then, we continued our collaboration in this domain by successively investigating specific challenges, such as finding the most relevant features, models and testing the adaptation of our approaches in two languages, Czech and French  [59] . We further proposed this year an approach to improve commas generation with the help of syntactic features [17] .

Infering syntactic dependencies is an extremely important step towards structuring the text and an absolute prerequisite for working with relations between words and next interpreting the utterance. Yet, no state-of-the-art solutions designed for parsing written texts can be reliably adapted to parsing speech, and even less transcribed speech. The lack of such methods and resources is especially blatant in French. We started, in collaboration with the TALARIS team, to address this issue by building a new French treebank dedicated to speech parsing  [52] , as well as a software platform dedicated to working with this corpus (see section  5.5 ). We exploited this year this corpus to study specific syntactic structures, such as negations (Master internship in 2011) and left dislocations in French [13] .

While a large part of our work is dedicated to enriching the output of our speech recognition system, we also tried integrating within the speech decoding process itself new information coming from the higher-levels. We thus extended the new approach proposed in 2010 about language model smoothing with a new probabilistic smoothing that takes into account much longer words history thanks to a Levenshtein-based clustering of the training sentences [20] .