Section: Overall Objectives


  • Our work on “tracking Skype users mobility” received a lot of media attention this year (tens of articles in Le Monde, The New York Times, Slashdot, The Register, and more generally in international technical and general audience press...). This work has been published in IMC 2011[46] .

  • Our work on “usernames uniqueness and traceability” has been published in PETS 2011 [47] , one of the most prestigious conference in the area of Computer Privacy, and has been awarded the Andreas Pfitzmann award for the best contribution. It also received a lot of media attention.

  • Our LDPC-Staircase codes have been included this year as the primary AL-FEC (Application Layer Forward Erasure Correction code) solution for ISDB-Tmm (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting, Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia), a Japanese standard for digital television (DTV) and digital radio. The commercial launch of ISDB-Tmm will happen in mid 2012. This success has been made possible, on the one hand, by major efforts in terms of standardization within IETF and on the other hand, by our efforts in terms of design and evaluation of two efficient software codecs of LDPC-Staircase codes. The fact that LDPC-Staircase codes have been preferred to a major AL-FEC competitor for the ISDB-Tmm standard, is the recognition of their intrinsic qualities and of an appropriate balance between several technical and non technical criteria. See new results section for more details.

  • We participate to The FIT project, one of 52 winning projects from the first wave of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research's "Équipements d'Excellence" (Equipex) research grant programme. This 8-year project started in 2011 and will benefit from a 5.8 million euro grant from the French government. Its aims is to develop an experimental facility, a federated and competitive infrastructure with international visibility and a broad panel of customers. In the context of this project, are building a federated wireless testbed platform. See also http://fit-equipex.fr/ .