
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 1B. Aguer, S. De Bièvre.

    On (in)elastic non-dissipative Lorentz gases and the (in)stability of classical pulsed and kicked rotors, in: J. Phys. A, 2011, vol. 43, no 47.
  • 2R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, A. Gloria.

    Integral representation results for energies defined on stochastic lattices and application to nonlinear elasticity, in: Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 2011, vol. 200, no 3, p. 881–943.

  • 3C. Besse, S. Borghol, J. Dudon, T. Goudon, I. Lacroix-Violet.

    Hydrodynamic Regimes, Knudsen Layer, Numerical Schemes: Definition of boundary fluxes, in: Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2012, to appear.
  • 4C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Active procedures to control the flow past the Ahmed body with a 25o rear window, in: International Journal of Aerodynamics, 2011, vol. 1, no 3/4, p. 299–317.
  • 5C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Active and passive flow control around simplified ground vehicles, in: Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2012, to appear.
  • 6L. Bruneau, S. De Bièvre, C.-A. Pillet.

    Scattering induced current in a tight-binding band, in: J. Math. Phys., 2011, vol. 52.
  • 7F. Charles, N. Vauchelet, C. Besse, T. Goudon, I. Lacroix-Violet, J. Dudon, L. Navoret.

    Numerical approximation of Knudsen layer for Euler-Poisson system, in: ESAIM proc., 2012, to appear.
  • 8E. Creusé, S. Nicaise.

    A posteriori error estimator based on gradient recovery by averaging for convection-diffusion-reaction problems approximated by discontinuous Galerkin methods, in: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2012, to appear.
  • 9E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, N. Nemitz, F. Piriou.

    Residual-based a posteriori estimators for the 𝐀-ϕ magnetodynamic harmonic formulation of the Maxwell system, in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2012, to appear.
  • 10E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, E. Verhille.

    Robust equilibrated a posteriori error estimators for the Reissner-Mindlin system, in: Calcolo, 2011, vol. 48, no 4, p. 307–335.
  • 11S. De Bièvre, P. Parris.

    Equilibration, generalized equipartition and diffusion in dynamical Lorentz gases, in: J. Stat. Phys., 2011, vol. 142, p. 356–-385.
  • 12A. Gloria.

    Reduction of the resonance error. Part 1: Approximation of homogenized coefficients, in: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2011, vol. 21, no 8, p. 1601–1630.

  • 13A. Gloria.

    Numerical approximation of effective coefficients in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations, in: M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 2012, vol. 46, no 1, p. 1–38.

  • 14A. Gloria, J.-C. Mourrat.

    Spectral measure and approximation of homogenized coefficients, in: Probab. Th. Relat. Fields, 2012.

  • 15A. Gloria, S. Neukamm.

    Commutability of homogenization and linearization at identity in finite elasticity and applications, in: Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, 2011, vol. 28, no 6, p. 941–964.
  • 16A. Gloria, F. Otto.

    An optimal variance estimate in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations, in: Annals of Probability, 2011, vol. 39, no 3, p. 779-856. [ DOI : 10.1214/10-AOP571 ]

  • 17A. Gloria, F. Otto.

    An optimal error estimate in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations, in: Ann. Appl. Probab., 2012, to appear.

  • 18P. Lafitte, C. Mascia.

    Numerical exploration of a forward–backward diffusion equation, in: M3AS, 2012, to appear.

  • 19P. Lafitte, G. Samaey.

    Asymptotic-preserving projective integration schemes for kinetic equations in the diffusion limit, in: SiSC, 2012, to appear.

  • 20D. Uystepruyst, M. William-Louis, E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, F. Monnoyer.

    Efficient 3D numerical prediction of the pressure wave generated by high-speed trains entering tunnels, in: Computers and Fluids, 2011, vol. 47, no 1, p. 165–177.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 21C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    An analytical approach to improve drag control techniques for the Ahmed body, in: ASME-JSME-KSME joint fluids engineering conference, Hamamatsu, Japan, July 2011.
  • 22C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Numerical simulation and control of the 3D flow around Ahmed body, in: 6th ICCFD, St Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2011.

  • 23Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, F. Piriou, N. Nemitz.

    Comparison of residual and equilibrated error estimators for FEM applied to magnetostatic problems, in: COMPUMAG 2011, Sydney, Australia, July 2011.

Conferences without Proceedings

  • 24E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, E. Verhille.

    Robust equilibrated a posteriori error estimators for the Reissner-Mindlin system, in: 24th biennal conference on numerical analysis, Glasgow, UK, June 28-July 1 2011.

Internal Reports

  • 25B. Andreianov, F. Hubert, S. Krell.

    Benchmark 3D: a version of the DDFV scheme with cell/vertex unknowns on general meshes, Inria, February 2011.

  • 26A. Gloria, J.-C. Mourrat.

    Quantitative version of Kipnis-Varadhan's theorem and Monte-Carlo approximation of homogenized coefficients, Inria, March 2011.


Other Publications

  • 27B. Andreianov, M. Bendahmane, F. Hubert, S. Krell.

    On 3D DDFV discretization of gradient and divergence operators. I. Meshing, operators and discrete duality., 2011, This is a largely extended version with respect to version 1..

  • 28S. Benzoni-Gavage, J.-F. Coulombel.

    On the amplitude equations for weakly nonlinear surface waves, 2011, unpublished.

  • 29C. Besse, F. Deluzet, C. Negulescu, C. Yang.

    Effcient numerical methods for strongly anisotropic elliptic equations, 2011, unpublished.

  • 30C. Calgaro, J.-P. Chehab, Y. Saad.

    Incremental Incomplete LU factorizations with applications to time-dependent PDEs, May 2011, Session 4.

  • 31J.-F. Coulombel.

    Stability of finite difference schemes for hyperbolic initial boundary value problems, August 2011, unpublished.

  • 32J.-F. Coulombel, T. Goudon, P. Lafitte, C. Lin.

    Analysis of large amplitude shock profiles for non-equilibrium radiatvie hydrodynamics: formation of Zeldovich spikes, 2011, unpublished.

  • 33J.-F. Coulombel, A. Morando, P. Secchi, P. Trebeschi.

    A priori estimates for 3D incompressible current-vortex sheets, 2011, unpublished.

  • 34M. Doumic Jauffret, L. M. Tine.

    A General Inverse Problem for the Growth-Fragmentation Equation, 2011, unpublished.

  • 35T. Goudon, S. Jin, J.-G. Liu, B. Yan.

    Asymptotic-Preserving schemes for kinetic-fluid modeling of disperse two-phase flows, 2011, unpublished.

  • 36C. Lin, J.-F. Coulombel.

    The strong relaxation limit of the multidimensional Euler equations, 2011, unpublished.

References in notes
  • 37B. Aguer, S. De Bièvre, P. Lafitte, P. Parris.

    Classical motion in force fields with short range correlations, in: J. Stat. Phys., 2010, vol. 138, no 4–5, p. 780-–814.
  • 38B. Andreianov, F. Lagoutière, N. Seguin, T. Takahashi.

    Small solids in an inviscid fluid, in: Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2010, vol. 5, no (3), p. 385-404, New Trends in Model Coupling (NTMC'09), Paris, September 2-4, 2009.
  • 39X. Antoine, A. Arnold, C. Besse, M. Ehrhardt, A. Schädle.

    A Review of Transparent and Artificial Boundary Conditions Techniques for Linear and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, in: Communications in Computational Physics, 2008, vol. 4, p. 729–796.
  • 40X. Antoine, C. Besse, P. Klein.

    Absorbing boundary conditions for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with an exterior repulsive potential, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, vol. 228, no 2, p. 312-335.

  • 41C. Besse, X. Antoine, J. Szeftel.

    Towards accurate artificial boundary conditions for nonlinear PDEs through examples, in: Cubo : a mathematical journal, 2009, vol. 11, no 4, p. 29–48.

  • 42C. Besse, R. Carles, N. Mauser, H.-P. Stimming.

    Monotonicity properties of blow-up time for nonlinear Schrödinger equation: numerical tests, in: Discrete and Cont. Dyn. Syst. B, 2008, vol. 9, p. 11–36.
  • 43C. Besse, T. Goudon.

    Derivation of a non-local model for diffusion asymptotics; Application to radiative transfer problems, in: Comm. in Comput. Physics, 2010, vol. 8, p. 1139–1182.
  • 44M. Bostan, T. Goudon.

    High-electric-field limit for the Vlasov-Maxwell-Fokker-Planck system, in: Ann. IHP Non Linear Anal., 2008, vol. 25, p. 1221–1251.
  • 45M. Bostan, T. Goudon.

    Low field regime for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell-Fokker-Planck system; the one and one half dimensional case, in: AIMS–Kinetic Related Models, 2008, vol. 1, p. 139-169.
  • 46C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Coupling passive and active techniques to control the flow past the square back Ahmed body, in: Computers and Fluids, 2010, vol. 39, no 10, p. 1875–1892.
  • 47C. Calgaro, E. Chane-Kane, E. Creusé, T. Goudon.

    L stability of vertex-based MUSCL finite volume schemes on unstructured grids; simulation of incompressible flows with high density ratios, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2010, vol. 229, no 17, p. 6027–6046.
  • 48C. Calgaro, J.-P. Chehab, Y. Saad.

    Incremental incomplete LU factorizations with applications, in: Numer. Linear Algebra with Appl., 2010, vol. 17, no 5, p. 811–817.
  • 49C. Calgaro, E. Creusé, T. Goudon.

    An hybrid finite volumes-finite elements method for variable density incompressible flows, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2008, vol. 227, no 9, p. 4671–4696.
  • 50J. A. Carrillo, T. Goudon, P. Lafitte.

    Simulation of fluid and particles flows: asymptotic preserving schemes for bubbling and flowing regimes, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2008, vol. 227, no 16, p. 7929–7951.
  • 51J. A. Carrillo, T. Goudon, P. Lafitte, F. Vecil.

    Numerical schemes of diffusion asymptotics and moment closures for kinetic equations, in: J. Sci. Comput., 2008, vol. 35, p. 113-149.
  • 52C. Chainais, Y.-J. Peng, I. Violet.

    Numerical solutions of the Euler-Poisson systems for the potential flows, in: Applied numerical mathematics (APNUM), 2009, vol. 59, p. 301-315.
  • 53C. Chainais, I. Violet.

    Existence of solutions to a corrosion model, 2008.
  • 54E. Creusé, A. Giovannini, I. Mortazavi.

    Vortex simulation of active control strategies for transitional backward-facing step flows, in: Computers and Fluids, 2009, vol. 38, p. 1348–1360.
  • 55E. Creusé, S. Nicaise.

    A posteriori error estimator based on gradient recovery by averaging for discontinuous Galerkin methods, in: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2010, vol. 234, no 10, p. 2903–2915.
  • 56F. Delarue, F. Lagoutière.

    Probabilistic Analysis of the Upwind Scheme for Transport, in: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 2010, Published on–line.
  • 57G. Dujardin.

    Asymptotics of linear initial boundary value problems with periodic boundary data on the half-line and finite intervals, in: Proc. R. Soc. A, November 2009, no 465, p. 3341-3360.
  • 58T. Goudon, M. Rousset.

    Stochastic Acceleration in an Inhomogenous Time Random Force Field, in: Applied Mathematics Research Express, 2009, vol. 2009, no 1, p. 1–46.

  • 59F. Lagoutière.

    Analyse et approximation d'équations aux dérivées partielles en rapport avec la mécanique des fluides, University Paris 7, 2008, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Ph. D. Thesis.
  • 60T. Lelièvre, M. Rousset, G. Stoltz.

    Free Energy Computations. A Mathematical Perspective, Imperial College Press, 2010.

  • 61T. Lelièvre, M. Rousset, G. Stoltz.

    Langevin dynamics with constraints and computation of free energy differences, 2010.

  • 62P. Plechac, M. Rousset.

    Exact and non-stiff sampling of highly oscillatory systems: an implicit mass-matrix penalization approach, in: SIAM MMS, 2009, no 2.

  • 63M. Rousset.

    On a probabilistic interpretation of shape derivatives of Dirichlet groundstates with application to Fermion nodes, in: ESAIM: M2AN, 2010, vol. 44, no 5, p. 977-995.

  • 64M. Rousset, G. Samaey.

    Individual-based models for bacterial chemotaxis and variance reduced simulations, INRIA, 2009.
